Happy New Year!!
Just like the past few years I decided to recap all of our favorite memories from the year in one long post. It took a sweet forever but I finally managed to finish in time for today.
2015 was busy and eventful, laid back and fun, restful and exhausting. Last year I said my hope for 2015 was that our little party of 5 will truly settle in. That we will find and move into our "forever home". That I will settle into my new "working from home full-time" role with ease. That we will enjoy life here to the fullest without a whole lot of crazy. That we will relax and simplify. That we will make the most of our year.
And I think we did just that. =) Our year was all about settling in, enjoying, simplifying. And best of all, we did find and move into our forever home. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Here's a recap of my favorites from our family's 2015...
*But first it should be noted that these are the highlights of our year. Our favorite memories, outings, holidays, and family fun. Things haven't been perfect and we've had our share of challenges and struggles. We've faced parenting challenges, financial struggles, Terrell and I have argued, stressed, and fought at times this year. We've had some tough days and some tough weeks. But this recap is a focus on the good and happy and fun. God's grace was abundant and overwhelming throughout 2015. It was a blessed year for sure.
January was full of party planning, Terrell being out of town for work trainings, and more party planning. I think party planning and prep defined our whole month and the kick off to our new year. Our long weekend of happy and celebrating Garrison Cade's 6th birthday were my favorites!
February was a really FUN month!
On the 5th our firstborn turned 6 and we celebrated his special day with all of our special little traditions.
Then we continued the celebration with a trip to the museum! Such a fun gift for our biggest that we all enjoyed.
Next up it was Layton's turn! On the 12th, our baby boy turned 1. So bittersweet but oh so wonderful too!
We had a really special Valentine's Day complete with a new family car and my favorite Valentine tradition!
After our fun Valentine's Day and a whole week off of school, it was finally time for Layton's 1st birthday party! We had a great time celebrating our baby boy with lots of family!
February may have been super busy but it was full of celebrations and fun. We love February around here.
With March came baseball!! We started practices, kicked off the season with Opening Day, and settled into baseball life... plus being the wife of a coach. Whoa. It was something serious. Ha! March also brought with it spring time allergies, a tough adjustment to the time change, and our first trip to Six Flags! I'd say March was overall good. =)
In April we celebrated Easter and my mom's birthday with a fun-filled weekend!
Then we shared our exciting news about becoming aunt and uncle to Baby O and enjoyed a WILD and challenging Spring Break get-away to the mountains. Always an adventure with our crew. =)

April was eventful. Some good, some not so good. The countdown to summer and closing on the sell of our house in Covington were highlights too!
May was B-U-S-Y busy! Soooo busy. Exhausting busy. But most of the "busy" was fun. Thank goodness. Wrapping up baseball, the school year, choir, and anything else you can think of caused for lots of parties and end of the year programs and commitments. It was our busiest and most exhausting month by far.
We finally made Easter/Spring pictures of the boys that turned out great!
We had an amazing Mother's Day weekend that kicked off the with sell of our house and the wrap up of our crazy journey to closing!! Such a long awaited answered prayer!! Despite all the busyness of the month, the sell of our house was our most favorite, biggest highlight of all!
We enjoyed (and survived!) a crazy but fun last week of school and our biggest boy said goodbye to Kindergarten and hello to summer!

We kicked off summer with a super special Memorial Day weekend!
Garrison's team finished the season undefeated and became t-ball champions!

AND, we found out It's a Girl! and enjoyed a fun celebration with Anna and Frankie!

To sum it up, May was crazy. =)
June was a pretty big month for us. Terrell and I celebrated our 10th anniversary with a fun and memorable get-away.

We finallysurvived wrapped up All-Stars and then we closed on our NEW HOUSE and moved in!!!

Closing on our new home and moving in definitely made our whole month and year!!!
We started the month of July at the beach on our annual summer vacay! It was busy and fun start to finish! And a work out for mama and daddy. Ha! Vacationing with littles is never dull or boring.... or restful or relaxing. Thank goodness for Granna and Papa. =)

In July we really soaked up our second half of summer. Mama kept things laid back and we were home lots. Playing, reading, coloring, making messes, watching shows and movies, more playing, and occasionally fighting. =)
In July we also enjoyed our yearly summer tradition of going to a Braves game...

Plus a really fun wrap-up to summer weekend.

We said goodbye to probably my favorite summer ever and prepared for the new school year. Our July was amazing. Who knew a summer month would be one of my favorites? I loved it.
With the start of August came the start of a brand new school year. Garrison started 1st grade and we settled into our new school year routine.

The boys started soccer practice, we got to go to another Braves game, we suffered through some back to school sickies (and exhaustion!), we celebrated Terrell's birthday, started family game night, and took Austin on his birthday outing... to Six Flags!

August was crazy, challenging, and tiring just like it always is.
In September our middle turned 4!! We celebrated with a fun Georgia Bulldog birthday party and enjoyed a special birthday-filled Labor Day weekend!

Austin also started preschool in September! It was a big month for our second born. =)
We also welcomed Fall, cheered on our big boys at soccer games, enjoyed a fun Buggy Days weekend, and a special shower weekend for Baby Girl.

September was pretty great.
With October came all things Fall. Plus lots of soccer and Terrell working later or going out of town. It was both wonderful and challenging.
We attempted our very first get-away as a family of 5 all by ourselves and it was a total bust. Hahaha! At least we made some unforgettable memories. =)

After our crazy get-away we enjoyed the rest of our Fall Break to the fullest! School breaks are the best!!
Come mid-October we made our visit to the pumpkin patch...

And then it was all about baby watch!! Piper Caroline made her debut on the 27th and her birthday was the highlight of our month and of her mama and daddy's year. =)

We wrapped up our October with both of our families and a super fun Halloween! October is a full month but one of our favorites.

With November came our last few soccer games and the close of our soccer season with the big boys. Which meant a lighter schedule and slower pace eventually. We LOVED November. We enjoyed the Fall, we prepared for the holidays, we savored our extra downtime in the evenings, we had the best Thanksgiving, and we experienced a really crazy adventure with our Christmas tree. November was good and filled with blessings.

December was all about Christmas! It was so wonderful and special to celebrate here in our new home and we just enjoyed every bit of the season to the fullest. From decorating our home to visiting Santa to our Advent calendar every morning to our Christmas lights Scavenger hunt we were blessed with so many fun memories and experiences.

And of course celebrating with both our families was the best. So special, so fun, so much to be thankful for.
2015 was filled with favorites and God's grace was over it all.

I hope to share my theme for the year and maybe a few goals too next week. Enjoy your long weekend and Happy New Year!
Just like the past few years I decided to recap all of our favorite memories from the year in one long post. It took a sweet forever but I finally managed to finish in time for today.
2015 was busy and eventful, laid back and fun, restful and exhausting. Last year I said my hope for 2015 was that our little party of 5 will truly settle in. That we will find and move into our "forever home". That I will settle into my new "working from home full-time" role with ease. That we will enjoy life here to the fullest without a whole lot of crazy. That we will relax and simplify. That we will make the most of our year.
And I think we did just that. =) Our year was all about settling in, enjoying, simplifying. And best of all, we did find and move into our forever home. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Here's a recap of my favorites from our family's 2015...
*But first it should be noted that these are the highlights of our year. Our favorite memories, outings, holidays, and family fun. Things haven't been perfect and we've had our share of challenges and struggles. We've faced parenting challenges, financial struggles, Terrell and I have argued, stressed, and fought at times this year. We've had some tough days and some tough weeks. But this recap is a focus on the good and happy and fun. God's grace was abundant and overwhelming throughout 2015. It was a blessed year for sure.
January was full of party planning, Terrell being out of town for work trainings, and more party planning. I think party planning and prep defined our whole month and the kick off to our new year. Our long weekend of happy and celebrating Garrison Cade's 6th birthday were my favorites!
February was a really FUN month!
On the 5th our firstborn turned 6 and we celebrated his special day with all of our special little traditions.
Then we continued the celebration with a trip to the museum! Such a fun gift for our biggest that we all enjoyed.
Next up it was Layton's turn! On the 12th, our baby boy turned 1. So bittersweet but oh so wonderful too!
We had a really special Valentine's Day complete with a new family car and my favorite Valentine tradition!
After our fun Valentine's Day and a whole week off of school, it was finally time for Layton's 1st birthday party! We had a great time celebrating our baby boy with lots of family!
February may have been super busy but it was full of celebrations and fun. We love February around here.
With March came baseball!! We started practices, kicked off the season with Opening Day, and settled into baseball life... plus being the wife of a coach. Whoa. It was something serious. Ha! March also brought with it spring time allergies, a tough adjustment to the time change, and our first trip to Six Flags! I'd say March was overall good. =)
In April we celebrated Easter and my mom's birthday with a fun-filled weekend!
Then we shared our exciting news about becoming aunt and uncle to Baby O and enjoyed a WILD and challenging Spring Break get-away to the mountains. Always an adventure with our crew. =)
May was B-U-S-Y busy! Soooo busy. Exhausting busy. But most of the "busy" was fun. Thank goodness. Wrapping up baseball, the school year, choir, and anything else you can think of caused for lots of parties and end of the year programs and commitments. It was our busiest and most exhausting month by far.
We finally made Easter/Spring pictures of the boys that turned out great!
We had an amazing Mother's Day weekend that kicked off the with sell of our house and the wrap up of our crazy journey to closing!! Such a long awaited answered prayer!! Despite all the busyness of the month, the sell of our house was our most favorite, biggest highlight of all!
We enjoyed (and survived!) a crazy but fun last week of school and our biggest boy said goodbye to Kindergarten and hello to summer!
We kicked off summer with a super special Memorial Day weekend!
Garrison's team finished the season undefeated and became t-ball champions!
AND, we found out It's a Girl! and enjoyed a fun celebration with Anna and Frankie!
To sum it up, May was crazy. =)
June was a pretty big month for us. Terrell and I celebrated our 10th anniversary with a fun and memorable get-away.
We finally
Closing on our new home and moving in definitely made our whole month and year!!!
We started the month of July at the beach on our annual summer vacay! It was busy and fun start to finish! And a work out for mama and daddy. Ha! Vacationing with littles is never dull or boring.... or restful or relaxing. Thank goodness for Granna and Papa. =)
In July we really soaked up our second half of summer. Mama kept things laid back and we were home lots. Playing, reading, coloring, making messes, watching shows and movies, more playing, and occasionally fighting. =)
In July we also enjoyed our yearly summer tradition of going to a Braves game...
Plus a really fun wrap-up to summer weekend.
We said goodbye to probably my favorite summer ever and prepared for the new school year. Our July was amazing. Who knew a summer month would be one of my favorites? I loved it.
With the start of August came the start of a brand new school year. Garrison started 1st grade and we settled into our new school year routine.
The boys started soccer practice, we got to go to another Braves game, we suffered through some back to school sickies (and exhaustion!), we celebrated Terrell's birthday, started family game night, and took Austin on his birthday outing... to Six Flags!
August was crazy, challenging, and tiring just like it always is.
In September our middle turned 4!! We celebrated with a fun Georgia Bulldog birthday party and enjoyed a special birthday-filled Labor Day weekend!
Austin also started preschool in September! It was a big month for our second born. =)
We also welcomed Fall, cheered on our big boys at soccer games, enjoyed a fun Buggy Days weekend, and a special shower weekend for Baby Girl.
September was pretty great.
With October came all things Fall. Plus lots of soccer and Terrell working later or going out of town. It was both wonderful and challenging.
We attempted our very first get-away as a family of 5 all by ourselves and it was a total bust. Hahaha! At least we made some unforgettable memories. =)
After our crazy get-away we enjoyed the rest of our Fall Break to the fullest! School breaks are the best!!
Come mid-October we made our visit to the pumpkin patch...
And then it was all about baby watch!! Piper Caroline made her debut on the 27th and her birthday was the highlight of our month and of her mama and daddy's year. =)
We wrapped up our October with both of our families and a super fun Halloween! October is a full month but one of our favorites.
With November came our last few soccer games and the close of our soccer season with the big boys. Which meant a lighter schedule and slower pace eventually. We LOVED November. We enjoyed the Fall, we prepared for the holidays, we savored our extra downtime in the evenings, we had the best Thanksgiving, and we experienced a really crazy adventure with our Christmas tree. November was good and filled with blessings.
December was all about Christmas! It was so wonderful and special to celebrate here in our new home and we just enjoyed every bit of the season to the fullest. From decorating our home to visiting Santa to our Advent calendar every morning to our Christmas lights Scavenger hunt we were blessed with so many fun memories and experiences.
And of course celebrating with both our families was the best. So special, so fun, so much to be thankful for.
2015 was filled with favorites and God's grace was over it all.

I hope to share my theme for the year and maybe a few goals too next week. Enjoy your long weekend and Happy New Year!
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