So I don't have to write a book, I'm just going to hit on the highs and lows so I'll have a record of our normal, but really more on the crazy side weekend.
*Garrison got to go to Barnesville a day early and spent the night with Nana and Pops on Thursday. He was spoiled good, loved on lots, and had a ball. Yay for a "high"!
*Friday night at bedtime we had our first "low". For some reason Austin is automatically super fussy at bedtime. Happens right on cue every night. I'm pretty sure it's because he's teething. We thought he would never go to sleep. Granna took over and he finally went to sleep and slept all night. I guess we'll call this one a low and high in one.
*Late Friday night, Garrison woke up with a night terror. (I wrote about it last summer at the end of this post.) Unfortunately since it's been awhile since he's had one of these, we didn't wait it out. We intervened and thought he would never calm down and go back to sleep. He started off asleep, but yelling and screaming, then woke up enough to make crazy demands and make everyone miserable because nothing we did made him feel better. It's so frustrating when you're just trying to help but nothing works. Boo for another "low".
*The first half of the day Saturday went really well. Austin did great for his 4 months photos, Garrison did great getting his hair cut, and we all enjoyed lunch with Nana and Pops. Yay for lots of highs.
*After lunch, getting ready for naptime at Granna and Papa's went terrible for my firstborn. Garrison had another major meltdown. He was just really, really tired and everything was an issue. I told my mom that I hate when a meltdown happens away from home because I feel so self-conscious and like there are witnesses to my bad parenting. Thankfully she didn't agree with the bad parenting part.
*Another meltdown almost occurred during supper Saturday night when Garrison basically refused to eat anything but still expected birthday cake. All the drama was exhausting. But as my mom reminded us this weekend, it won't last forever. On a happy note, our supper was de-lish!
*Austin cried his little eyes out at bedtime again.
*We slept all night long though!
*Church was great and was just what I needed. Then Garrison decided he didn't want to get off the elevator to leave church. Cue the meltdown. And church-going witnesses. And the little man being forced into his carseat in the church parking lot. Oh my.
*We had a delicious lunch prepared by Granna and enjoyed time with my grandparents. Plus Austin took a great nap before we headed home to Covington. But Garrison came home with a cold. Ahhhhh.
*Sorry I ended up writing a book anyway. Oops.
This is how Austin fell asleep in the crib at my parents house everyday/night. How is that comfortable??
Garrison enjoyed play time with Nanny... and some of her birthday cake once he finally ate some green beans and corn.
This little man looked adorable going to church Sunday morning. So did my other little man, he just refused to have his picture made. After all the meltdowns of the weekend, I chose to pick my battles. And I'll just leave you with these now that I'm rambling...
Meggie- I've been reading your blog for a while now and just never commented... I just wanted to let you know we are in. the. thick. of. it. with Elijah and his behavior issues as well... I wish I could say 3 gets better than 2, but that has not been our experience... 3 has been worse by far... Complete and udder disobedience, temper tantrums, etc. and unfortunately Micah is seeing how his brother is acting and he's starting to act out too at times. I read Kelly's Korner blog today and she has a post about this same thing and it includes a link to another blog you should read- it helped me... Keep your chin up... This too shall pass- atleast that's what I keep telling myself! LOL!
Melissa Williams
Ohh yeah- one more thing- we had those night terrorish issues with Elijah as well... Thankfully they have stopped and we haven't had any in a while, but they are pretty scary when they do happen... Our ped. said they r not night terrors if there is no pattern to them.. So it's almost like a sleep walking thing or something... No advice to give about them- just letting you know you are not alone...
Thanks Melissa! It makes me feel waaay better knowing I'm not alone with all the little issues we have. I read Kelly's Korner too (and the link she had up) and they were both perfect timing. =) I'll have to check out your blog!!
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