Even though I'm suffering from cabin fever again, I'm home and able to take care of Garrison myself. I didn't have to call into work the past few days, or get a substitute, or even get a baby-sitter so I could go to work. I'm the one here with him and for that I'm grateful.
Even though the house is messy and cluttered and working my nerves right now, it's full of possessions and toys and blessings we love and treasure, and for that I'm grateful.
Even though it's tempting to complain or stress out over our tight budget, we always have enough, make that more than enough, and never go without our needs being met. For that I am grateful.
Even though I always feel behind on something... and tired...and a little overwhelmed... and like I rarely spend time with my hubby, my life is wonderful. And I'm learning to appreciate and savor this season/stage of craziness because time moves so, so quickly. One day I'll look back and want to hold and cuddle my fussy baby at bedtime again. And read Garrison 1 more book and sing 1 more song before telling him goodnight. I'll miss the noise and toys and busyness that is life at this point in time.
My good friend April is famous for saying (usually when you don't want to hear it!) that "it could always be worse". That is SO true. Watching the news and reading or hearing about the suffering and pain and evil in the world is tough. It makes me sad and discouraged. But it also makes me appreciate my life and grateful for my blessings and the hope we have in Christ.
So even though things feel a little out of control, or stressful, or exhausting right now, I'm grateful.... because I do have a wonderful life and I don't want to ever take it for granted.
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