*Friday after work Terrell brought home take-out for the second week in a row, but without the pepperoni-less pizza. My chicken tenders were delish. Garrison had a huge meltdown over not wanting Terrell to open his jello. He spent the first half of supper in his room crying and screaming. It was so dramatic. Looking forward to the day when 1. we either figure out the secret to heading off the meltdowns 2. we learn how to stop them fast before they escalate and go on forever or 3. he outgrows them.
*Remember the wonderful, long naps I wrote about... well other than a stretch from 11:00-11:30 on Friday night, Austin slept great and so did we.
*Saturday morning we got the house ready for Granna and Papa, and my almost 13 year old cousin Haley who wanted to come along to help with baby-sitting duites. We straightened and cleaned a little, all the while Garrison waited and waited and longed in anticipation and waited some more for the moment his grandparents would arrive. He was pretty excited about seeing Haley too. It reminded me of childhood when it's the day of your birthday party and the morning goes on forever as you look forward to when it will finally be time for your guests to arrive.
*My parents arrived at 11:30 as I was finishing up feeding Austin. We told them everything we could think of about feedings and naps, kissed our babies goodbye, and were off to focus on each other for the whole day. (After I finally stopped talking about them. And wondering how lunch was going. And trying to remember if I told my parents everything. And hoping naptime wasn't too crazy for them.)
*We saw the movie Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol. I loved it and highly recommend it if you enjoy suspense, action, and drama.
*After the movie and a quick call to check in on how things were going on the home front, we were off to do a little shopping... Michael's, Target, and Kirklands specifically. I had just about forgotten how easy it is to shop without a toddler and/or baby... who have a tendency to get impatient, and take up all the space in the buggy, and can be a little loud, and can give me a workout getting in and out of the car. (I feel guilty for complaining since my boys actually are really good out in public... but it's still faster and easier without them in tow.) We took our time and got lots accomplished.
*We enjoyed an early dinner at one of our fav restaurants. We carried on conversations and savored our meal and took our time. A nice, quiet meal alone was to be treasured.
*Then we took the long way home and stopped by Chick-fil-A for an Ice Dream to go. It was a surprise from my hubby. Lovvvve their ice cream. Terrell Selph knows the way to my heart.
*We arrived home just in time for baths and bedtime which were already in progress. The timing worked out great because I only had to miss 1 feeding and my parents didn't get home too too late. Thanks SO much to Granna, Papa, and Haley for taking care of our babies while we spent the day away.
*Yesterday was a kind of lazy day around the house. But only after Garrison woke up and had a big ole tantrum because we had already started baking cinnamon rolls. Who knew that would be so upsetting?
*We still haven't been to church here since having Ausitn. Maybe soon. For now, FBC B'ville is still our church home. But that's another post for another day.
*Last night things got crazy when Garrison woke up at 2:30 crying for daddy. Daddy had to work hard to get him settled again... only to leave his room and enter Austin's. I listened on the monitor and eventually got up to feed Austin when I accepted I was putting off the inevitable. Gracious. What is going on with the night time drama around here?? (My firstborn has had some sleepy-time issues lately. Again, another post for another day.)
*This yucky, rainy, messy Monday has made me thankful I'm at home with my babies and no where to go or be. I'd rather suffer through meltdowns at home with Garrison (and Austin) than 1. make someone else suffer through them, and 2. have to get out in the messy weather and be away from my boys all day. And I will repeat this to myself 5 times after every meltdown. Ha!
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