Saturday nights have definitely changed. Wait, so have Fridays. Terrell and I have always enjoyed eating out on the weekends. Nothing fancy or super expensive, just getting out of the house, not having to worry about cooking or cleaning, and having someone wait on us. It was always enjoyable and relaxing. But now we're watching our "out to eat" budget much more closely plus weighing the pros and cons of getting out with the boys. Garrison and Austin are both really great out in public, it's just a lot more work and a lot more time consuming. Sooo, we find ourselves eating at home at lot more on the weekends.
Anyway, Chicken Flay was the perfect solution last night. It satisfied my need to get out (being stuck inside most of the week was making me crazy!) and it was fun for Garrison and easy on the wallet. Plus we all enjoyed ice cream afterwards. Yum! Can't beat their delicious vanilla ice cream.
Back to the point of this post... my boys in red were so handsome when we went out. It wasn't even planned. Terrell and Garrison were both wearing red first so I decided to put a red shirt on Austin. I was going to wear red and denim too so we could all be cutesy and cheesy at Chick-Fil-A, but discovered last minute a spit up stain. So it was just meant to be for the boys. Red and denim suited them well I thought. And they humored me with a picture before we left. =)
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