Garrison's school Easter party and egg hunt were earlier today (since this was his last day of school before Spring Break). My baby has grown and changed a lot since
last year's egg hunt. And let me tell you, this year he knew
exactly what to do. He didn't miss a beat. His mission was to grab every egg in sight and place it directly in his bucket without delay... and after collecting 19 eggs, mission accomplished. But first, they had a special lunch treat of happy meals from McDonald's.
Garrison and one of his best buds, Beckett.

My baby boy hung out (and had himself some peas and carrots while we were there)

After lunch we all went out to the playground for the egg hunt. They were so excited. Some of them didn't know why, but still, they were excited and precious.

While some kiddos paused to inspect their eggs or caved to temptation and opened one up,
or, my favorite, forgot why they were outside in the first place, my little man was all business hunting his eggs. I never even thought about coaching or prepping him, he just knew what to do. And I had a proud mama moment right there in the middle of the preschool egg hunt. Ha!

Once his bucket got heavy, he had me hold onto it... and this is him running over to bring me another egg

And this is him showing me the handful of acorns he found. He's really into finding acorns right now. Every school day he comes home with a pocket full of them.

And this is a picture of my babies... gotta love this fake smile stage.

Today I am thankful once again for the opportunity to stay home and be part of every little school function without worry. And for Austin being a laid back baby and going with the flow. And that I wasn't the only one who had to feed their baby baby food during the "party". And that my big boy knew just what to do when it was time to hunt eggs. And that they are both taking good naps right now. And most importantly, that my Savior lives. And we get to celebrate!
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