But first, one of my favorite changes is all thanks to one of my oldest, dearest friends. It's no secret that I love to blog and I love this blog because of it's super sentimental value to me and Terrell, and one day (I hope) my babies. The only problem is that my blog was lacking in the design department. Poor Austin wasn't even in the header! That's where my go-to, best and favorite graphic designer comes in. Megan helped me come up with a brand new look that included the whole fam and didn't leave anyone out. Plus it works for the long-term. Plus it is just perfect! And I'm loving it! Thanks SO much, Megan!
Now for the low-down on our changes.
My oldest hasn't had a nap all week. Unless you count a maybe-nap when he was quiet for 30 minutes or so earlier this week. I'm really torn about this no-nap business. In some ways it's not that big of a change. He still stays in his bed and "rests" or reads books and chills. I know because I go in a check on him. 9 times out of 10, he's laying down singing, talking to himself, or sitting up "reading". It still gives me my time. But... if he doesn't nap and then plays hard, or vice versa, it leads to a meltdown every. single. time. Ahhh. Not sure what to do. After a meltdown last night, he was told he wouldn't be able to go outside and play today if he didn't take a nap. Today came and he never fell asleep during naptime, so he couldn't go out. I planned other stuff for him to do inside so he wasn't too devestated, but I still felt sort of guilty. We may have to work on a compromise.
My baby boy is a messy eater just like his brother. And since I'm tired of cleaning pears or peas or spit up off my table cloth and placemats, I've decided to put him in the highchair to eat whenever possible. And it's working out great so far. For the past 2 days I've fed him most of his meals just a tad earlier than Garrison so they're both able to use the highchair. He looks so adorable sitting up in it like a big boy. And so tiny.
We are in the process of changing out wardrobes for everyone. The boys are in good shape except for a few more items, and Terrell has tons of clothes. His clothes take up more closet space than mine. It's crazy. But, I'm in need of some new outfits. Last year this time I was wearing maternity clothes so I didn't get anything new unless my growing belly could fit into it. And I always have more fall and winter clothes because of my birthday and Christmas being in the fall and winter. Sooo my spring/summer wardrobe is lacking. Time to go shopping with a few gift cards I saved from Christmas!
Garrison has officially reached an age where he needs to be engaged almost constantly. He is definitely capable of playing independently, and he does play independently really well, but a lot of the time he needs me to keep him busy and doing something. I've always enjoyed creating learning opportunities from what he was playing with... puzzles, hotwheels, balls, tools, etc. We've sorted by color, discussed shapes and sizes, counted, etc. But I'm now using a website my sister found that's helping me with little activities that are perfect for him. The website is: icanteachmychild.com. I love it. Garrison even did the toothpick activity while I cooked supper tonight. Here's an action shot I got... including little brother displaying his ability to grab a toy that's almost out of reach.
Speaking of little brother... Austin is starting to sit up a little bit completely on his own! Is that even possible? Before we know it, this little man is going to be taking a bath with big brother in the big tub! They are going to be so cute. But we'll have to really keep an eye on Garrison. Now that Austin is getting a little bigger and able to do a little more, Garrison has become sort of rough with him. It's like he's forgotten he's still a baby. I've literally caught him trying to wrestle with Austin. Oh dear. My second born is going to be tough as nails.
And I'm in slight denial about the changes in weather. But you have to experience spring to get to summer... and the beach, and our anniversary, and the 4th of July, and a break from routine. So, guess I'll accept all our changes... because more are on the horizon... and spring is a time for change and new beginnings afterall.
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