*I think my big boy has pink eye. Poor baby. It hasn't slowed him down any, his right eye just looks yucky and is almost swollen shut. Thankfully we have Austin's 6 month appointment in the morning so Garrison can tag along and hopefully get checked out too.
*Terrell and I have been putting together a home improvement list. Very exciting! Our house is almost 12 years old and some little things need to be done. We just decided that if we put off some of these things then we'll be faced with some issues down the road that could cost us. So we're being proactive instead. My husband is now in the process of becoming a "do it yourself-er". I'm so proud. He already re-caulked our shower all by himself. And he did a great job!
*Speaking of home improvement. We finally got around to having the stone around our fireplace replaced. When we moved in, the paint on the stone was chipping away/peeling off and since then it's just looked crummy. My in-laws gave this to us as an anniversary gift at least 2 years ago. We just had a lot of trouble finding someone who knew how to remove the old stone without removing our entire mantle.
Here it is before:
And here it is after:
*Lately I've been highly motivated to start working out. Not because I want to lose weight, but because I want to be in shape and feel healthy. Between my sweet tooth and big appetite and total lack of physical activity (if you don't count keeping up with my busy boys), I just feel out of shape (which I am) and a little unhealthy too. Sooo, I've read about girls who wake up and go to the gym or start their day with a run and how much better they feel and how great they sleep and how it gives them energy, etc. The gym isn't an option for me and neither is running in the dark of the morning by myself, so I decided I'd just wake up and do my "at home fitness" routine. I tried it out yesterday morning at 5:45 and it just about made me sick. Don't think that was supposed to happen. Maybe it was my empty stomach in the wee hours of the morning or the fact that I started doing jumping jacks while half-asleep. Not sure. This morning I wasn't up for it because of allergies but maybe I'll try again tomorrow. I can't give up after 1 day!!
*Terrell and I just made our first batch of homemade laundry detergent. One of my friends makes and uses it and convinced me to try it out. We use the Duggar's recipe. Yay for finding another way to save money!
*My littlest man, Austin, is back to having trouble with naps. He still takes one in the morning and one in the afternoon, but his morning nap is only 40 minutes to an hour and his afternoon nap is sort of inconsistent. He goes to sleep easily but wakes up after 45 minutes or so and then usually cries for a little bit before going back to sleep. I think we're just too busy for him. Garrison's routine was rarely interrupted and he was a great napper, and still is. Poor Austin has to sleep in the car and on the go a lot. But since gas prices are so crazy, we'll be staying home a lot more I hink.
*Terrell and I just made our first batch of homemade laundry detergent. One of my friends makes and uses it and convinced me to try it out. We use the Duggar's recipe. Yay for finding another way to save money!
*My littlest man, Austin, is back to having trouble with naps. He still takes one in the morning and one in the afternoon, but his morning nap is only 40 minutes to an hour and his afternoon nap is sort of inconsistent. He goes to sleep easily but wakes up after 45 minutes or so and then usually cries for a little bit before going back to sleep. I think we're just too busy for him. Garrison's routine was rarely interrupted and he was a great napper, and still is. Poor Austin has to sleep in the car and on the go a lot. But since gas prices are so crazy, we'll be staying home a lot more I hink.
*It's past time for me to do another "Day in the Life" post. I have yet to do one since Austin arrived. Shame on me. I do think about it, but after half the day is already by me. Maybe that's a goal for next week. My previous day in the life posts are some of my favorites because I love looking back at how I spent a regular day with my little man.
*That's all for now. Getting ready for bed in a little bit. These allergy issues have taken a toll on me today. But I still hope to wake up early and work out in the morning. It's going to be tough though.
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