Thursday, March 8, 2012

6 Months Old

My baby boy is 6 months old! Wow... a whole "half a year". Crazy. I am so thankful though that this past month went by kind of slow and I was able to just enjoy him (and his brother). We weren't super busy, we stayed home quite a bit, and some days were actually boring. But I'm really glad because before I know it we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday!

Big brother at 6 months. They still resemble a lot I think.

Stats and Happenings This Month:
*You weigh 17 pounds, 4 ounces and are 25 and 1/2 inches long. You are exactly 50th percentile in both categories and just a perfect, average-sized baby. I guess those chubby cheeks and thighs have me fooled because I keep guessing you're bigger than you actually are!
*You still wear size 3 diapers but are now wearing 6-9 month or 6-12 month clothes.
*You are now eating 3 meals a day! You love all your baby food and are a great eater. You're still nursing (yay! I made it to the 6 month mark, which was my goal!) and you've finally started taking a bottle once a day or once every other day.
*On your birthday, Saturday, we discovered your first tooth breaking through! You love feeling of it with your tongue.
*You go to bed around 7:45 and wake up sometime between 6:30 and 7:30 every morning.
*You take about a 45 minute morning nap and about an hour and a half afternoon nap... most days.
*You are talking and babbling more and more. It even sounds like you've said da-da and ma-ma a few times. You don't realize what you're saying but it's still precious to hear! Your personality is coming out big time. We love it!
*You've been spitting up a lot this month. We're back to doing tons of laundry because you're going through clothes and bibs and burp cloths so fast.
*You love rolling over! We can't leave you on the floor anymore or you'll roll across the room!
*You're starting to sit up really good with help/support and you can even lean forward and sit up by yourself for a few seconds.
*You LOVE Garrison, playing peek-a-boo, kicking your legs, eating baby food, and rolling all over the place.
*And we LOVE you!!! Happy Birthday Austin!

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