Yesterday morning I finally remembered and made of point of documenting and recording our day. I kept my camera in hand or nearby all day, jotted down little notes of things that happened, and now am finally getting around to writing about it and posting it. It's not super fun keeping up with the camera and attempting to capture regular old happenings throughout our day, and it's not the easiest thing ever trying to remember all the little details, BUT when I look back at my previous "Day in the Life" posts, I'm so thankful I did it. So, since I had yet to do one of these since Austin arrived, it was time. Here are all the happenings of our day yesterday:
Yesterday morning started early for us. Austin woke up before 6:00, which is extremely rare, so Terrell rocked him back to sleep while I went ahead and got up for the day. Austin went back to sleep but only for about 45 minutes, so I changed him, nursed him, and got myself ready all before 7:30.
Big brother decided to sleep late (I think the time change had him thrown him off a little, plus he was exhausted from his fun weekend) so I had a breakfast date with this little man. He had oatmeal cereal and baby food prunes. Yummy. While we were eating breakfast, Terrell left for work.

After we cleaned up from breakfast, we heard Garrison. It was 8:35 and approaching morning naptime for Austin. So we got Garrison up, took him to the potty, gave him his medicine (he's been on an antibiotic since Thursday), and got Austin ready for his nap. Austin went to sleep quickly and then it was time to make Garrison breakfast. He requested cereal and a waffle.

I did some things in the kitchen while Garrison ate breakfast, plus checked my email, plus put up some of his clothes that Terrell had folded the night before after they were in bed. Garrison is a slow eater.
After cleaning up from breakfast, Garrison told me he wanted me to read him some books. He had picked them out while I was getting Austin down for his nap and was ready to bring them to the living room to read on the couch. It worked out great because I didn't have a whole lot planned for us yesterday like I sometimes do. But it did make me sleepy. Getting comfy on the couch reading books is definitely a prerequisite for a nap.

After we finished reading books, I was expecting Austin to wake up any minute. Normally his morning nap is an hour or less. Waking up so early had him worn him out apparently because he was approaching an hour and a half nap. Which would have been great except that we needed to go to the grocery store and get back so I could feed him again. I couldn't bring myself to wake him up though, so Garrison and I played with his favorite bouncy balls in the kitchen until we heard Austin. Then we rushed like crazy to get out the door.
Austin still isn't quite ready to sit up in the buggy (although he's now sitting up in a high chair at restaurants!), and I'm still not quite ready for Garrison to walk around the grocery store with me, so this is our set-up in the buggy. And it always makes things interesting. We have groceries overflowing every time. Poor Garrison.

As soon as we got home, I got the boys and all the groceries inside but only put up the cold items because I needed to feed Austin. Garrison played while I fed Austin and then Terrell got home for lunch.
Lunch was sort of crazy. As soon as I finished feeding Austin, I put up all our other groceries plus tried to get our lunch ready plus spilt sour cream all over the floor. Thankfully Terrell was able to help out by cleaning up the sour cream and making Garrison's lunch. But then he had to head back to work and we were on our own again with meal time craziness. Austin had green beans and leftover prunes from breakfast and Garrison had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, raisins, grapes, and some of my lunch... a mini stouffers lasagna.

My big boy has to graduate from the highchair soon. Little brother is messy and I need him in the highchair. Garrison is extremely messy too, as shown below, even though I feel like we try to work with him on being neat and polite when eating. We need a kitchen table desperately. I feel like the boys are taking a toll on my dining room table by the meal.

After cleaning up from lunch, Austin played in his crib while I took Garrison to the potty and started yet another load of their clothes. Except this time it was a load full of new clothes. Yay!

Garrison loves to help and his new thing is putting all the clothes into the washing machine and pouring in the detergent. He brings his stool into the laundry room and gets busy. Some days it's a big help, other days not so much. But, I'm trying to be patient with him and accept his help as much as I can because one day his help will be much harder to come by.

While I got Austin down for his nap, Garrison's job was to clean up the living room. (In the afternoons I always try giving him a "job" to do while I get Austin ready for his nap, and usually it works out pretty good and he rarely interrupts or barges into Austin's room. In the mornings, he's typically watching Mickey Mouse while I get Austin down for a nap.) He put up his books and bouncy balls and a few other things, plus got his room "ready". He turns on his fan, night-light, and picks out 2 books for us to read.

Once both boys were napping I got started on some Premier stuff... emails, a phone call, and invitations. Plus I caught up on my favorite blogs. =) Then Austin started crying. Usually I'm able to let him cry for 2 minutes or less and he goes right back to sleep. Yesterday the crying lasted longer and kept getting louder so I had to rock him back to sleep. Garrison was only quiet for 30 minutes so I'm not sure if he ever fell alseep or not. I guess after his 12 plus hours of sleep the night before, he wasn't super tired.
I went in Garrison's room about 3:20 to get him up, take him to the potty, and then put clothes in the dryer. Then, we had to go wake up Austin because it was time for him to eat again.

While I fed Austin, Garrison had his usual snack of Fruit Jammers and juice. It's not the healthiest snack, but I feel like his meals are fairly healthy and this is his only snack time. Having a designated snack time has sort of helped us avoid snacking throughout the day.

Austin enjoyed his "jumpy" seat after he finished eating and Garrison requested to watch a movie. So he watched a little 12 minute movie 3 times in a row. I guess 12 minutes just wasn't long enough. In the meantime, I talked to my sister on the phone and started getting ready for my Premier training.

Garrison has been really fascinated and curious about Austin's new "toy" and is always "helping" him bounce in it and touching it and talking about it, so when Terrell got home he put in a dvd of Garrison playing in the same toy when he was a baby. Garrison loved seeing himself as a baby, especially in the same toy Austin plays in. Austin even watched for a couple minutes and we think it was like looking in the mirror for him. They really favor a lot.

I warmed up leftovers my mom sent home with us and ate and got dressed really fast so I could leave by 6:00 for my training in Jackson. The boys had a good night at home and bedtime went well. Austin wouldn't take the bottle for Terrell, but he didn't scream and cry either so it wasn't too bad. I was back home a little before 10:00 and went to bed soon after... and that was our day. Nothing adventurous or special, just a regular day at this point in time.
I'll plan to do another one of these this summer. Although I usually wait at lesast 7months for some reason. (And for family who might be curious about where to find my other day in the life posts, here they are..)
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