I stole this idea from another blog, but I loved it so much that I wanted to do it too. I hope I can do this on a regular basis because I think it will so neat to look back at this months or even years from now and remember life at this point in time...Garrison is 15 months old, Terrell is commuting to Elberton 3 days a week, we attend bible study at our friends/neighbor's every other Thursday night, etc. So this is all of the happenings of our day yesterday.
Garrison woke up around 8:00. After drinking his milk from a sippy cup (which he still takes like a bottle every morning, drinking it all at one time) he helped me empty the dishwasher. He loves handing me each piece of silverware one at a time and trying to hand me plates and other dishes too. While we were unloading the dishwasher I was on the phone with Terrell. We talk every morning that he has to make the drive to Elberton.

Then we had breakfast. Garrison had a piece of jelly toast, a cereal bar, and some peaches. He really enjoyed the jelly toast... he doesn't get that very often.

After cleaning up the kitchen, we went to make up the bed. Garrison always comes with me to make up the bed and he usually trys to help. He was really happy in this picture because I was being silly and trying to get his attention to make his picture.

After making up the bed we went and started a load of laundry before going into his room to play. He played with his toys, took some things out of his dresser to throw on the floor, and pulled several books off of his bookshelf to look at and "read". After playing and then cleaning up the mess (which he does most of the cleaning up now since he understands how to), we got ready for his morning nap. After reading a couple of books in the rocking chair and singing a couple of songs, I laid him down and headed into the office/computer room to get some of my work done. Garrison decided to take a short nap so I didn't get as much done as I wanted, but I was still pretty productive. I emailed a few hostesses, prepared for my Friday show, entered orders from my last show, got dressed and put make-up on before going in to get the little man.
After his nap, I got him dressed we headed over to the public library. I strolled him around until I found a book and then we strolled over to the children's section. I picked out a few books for him and then talked to one of the ladies about the summer program and what's being offered for his age group. They are having something called "Toddle Tales" every Tuesday morning that I really want to try to take him too. You can go at 10:30 or 11:30, so if he's still taking a morning nap we'll go at 11:30 and if he's not taking a morning nap we'll go at 10:30. I'm really excited about it and I hope that I make an effort to take him.
When we got home from the library it was lunch time. Garrison had leftovers from the night before... beef tips and rice, green beans, and mac & cheese. Plus he had leftover peaches from breakfast. He mostly ate the green beans and mac & chesse, and of course he ate all of his peaches. He
loves fruit. It's like dessert for him. We have to give it to him after he eats his veggies. After cleaning up from lunch he was pretty ready for a nap since his morning nap was so short. Again I went to work while he napped for 2 hours. Yay!

After I woke him up from his nap he had a snack of gold fish and yogurt melts and then we got ready to go outside for his first swim of the season. I got him dressed to swim with the swim diaper and everything and sprayed him down with sunscreen, then we headed outside. At first he wasn't sure what to do in the water. He was just sitting there like he was waiting for me to give him a bath. Finally he started playing with the toys I had in there and splashing and moving around some. He probably "swam" for about 20 mintues before he was ready to get out. Then he just wanted to play in the backyard so we stayed out even longer. He had a lot of fun. He would walk over to the pool and look in, so a couple of times I put him back in standing up to cool off.
After going inside, drying off and getting on a new diaper, it was time for me to start on supper. While I was cooking spaghetti, Terrell got home from work and gave Garrison a bath since we had bible study to go to. After eating supper and cleaning up the kitchen, we all got ready to walk down the street to our neighbor's house for bible study.

This is Terrell and Garrison outside our front door before we walked over to bible study. Garrison is back in his pj's since he goes straight to bed when we get home. Our neighbors, who have also become good friends, lead it for us and two other couples. We always enjoy going over and getting to be around other couples and participate in the bible study, plus Garrison gets to see his "friends". (A 5 year old, 3 year old, and almost 2 year old) He loves watching them and trying to keep up with them. Around 9:00 we were back at home and putting the little man in the bed.
Even though it was a pretty normal day for us, and it took me a long time to write everything down, I know it's days like these that I'll always want to remember and I know I'll always appreciate that I took the time to capture and record it all.
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