Earlier this week, Garrison and I met Kara and Allison at Zoo Atlanta. Kara was nice enough to let us come as her guests and we were able to get in for free using her season pass. Garrison's favorite parts about the zoo were the "Petting Zoo" and the Parakeet exhibit. These were about the only times he could actually get out of the stroller and see the animals and birds up close and personal. The petting zoo was one of our first stops. The little man was very cautious at first and kept his distance, but he slowly got closer and closer to the sheep and goats and eventually touched one of them.

What is this thing and what is it doing?

Oh, I'm really close now!

Finally... so soft!
After going around to other exhibits and trying to keep Garrison happy in the stroller (and feeding him a snack... which always helps), we arrived at the parakeet exhibit. At this exhibit, Garrison and Allison were able to feed the parakeets and get really close to them. Garrison loved it! He walked around (and tried to get away from me) and looked at the mini waterfall, and looked at the parakeets, and finally decided to try to feed one when he saw Allison doing it.

The hand on the left is Allison's and the one on the right is Garrison's

Garrison and Allison trying to feed the parakeet... not sure if he's interested though
Our trip to the zoo was a lot of fun and we will definitely be going back, especially when he's a little older and can fully enjoy all the animals. I also think it will be more fun when we don't need the stroller. Anyway, big thanks to Kara for inviting us!
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