Here are the events of our day yesterday: Garrison woke up a little past 7:30 calling out for me (quite loudly). He used to just lay in bed and play and talk and wait patiently for us to come in, but now he's decided that when he's ready to get up and tired of laying in bed awake he'll just call out MA-MAAA! MA-MAAA! until I come in his room. Every once in a while he'll call out for his daddy, and occasionally if one of his grandparents baby-sat the night before he'll call for Granna or Nana. We started the day by turing on all of our Christmas lights and gettting ready for breakfast. Garrison had an apple cinnamon muffin and a fruit cup for breakfast, with a few cherrios. (He now asks for cherrios every morning.) After breakfast we cleaned up and Garrison wanted to play. So we played a little and he helped me do laundry. He likes to help sort the clothes to be washed and when I'm taking clothes out of the washing machine, he wants to put them in the dryer... so we have a little assembly line going. Everything takes just a little longer with him helping, but on most days I love him helping me because I know one day he won't want to anymore, and I'm hoping it instills some good habits too.
Garrison loves touching the tree in his room... which is made up of Terrell's sports ornaments he collected over the years.
Playing again... I have a really similar picture of him playing back when I did this in May.
After starting on laundry, making up the bed, and getting us both dressed and bundled up we headed out to the grocery store. Monday is my grocery store day and by Monday we're usually just about out of everything, so I had to go on the coldest day of the year even though I didn't want to. The pic below is the little man right before we left.
When we got home from the grocery store we had to get all the groceries inside and unloaded. Garrison wants to help with that part now too, which definitely takes longer. So I let him carry in things like a bag of chips, bread, cereal, toothpaste, etc. while I grab 5 or 6 bags at a time hoping to get everything quickly so it doesn't take us all day. Finally we got everything inside and then he wanted to help put items in the pantry. That part actually worked out okay because it occupied him long enough for me to get everything else put away.
After all of that, I decided to wrap a few presents before lunch. I really enjoy seeing presents under the tree for a couple of weeks before Christmas. I'm not a last minute person so it would stress me out to wait until a few days before Christmas to wrap anyway, but I really just love getting to enjoy our tree with lots of presents under it before Christmas arrives. Garrison has done pretty good while I wrap so far. Of course he tries pulling at the wrapping paper and loves getting in the bows (which is why he now has his own bag of bows that are crumpled and I wouldn't use anyway), but typically it sort of entertains him while I wrap so I've been able to do it while he's awake.
Garrison with the bows before I designated a bag for him. We had a few casualties. He loves taking them out one at a time and smushing them really good, saying what color they are (with about 80% accuracy), and then stuffing them back in the bag forcefully.
He also loves taking the presents and putting them under the tree once I'm done wrapping. Here he is dragging a bag across the floor to put under the tree...
After I ran out of one roll of wrapping paper, he decided he would take the empty roll off my hands.
I managed to get 2 gifts in bags and 2 gifts wrapped before we had to clean up and get ready for lunch. Garrison had bagel bites, a few pieces of ham and cheese from a lunchable, 2 crackers, and fruit for lunch. Then we shared a cookie for dessert. =) After lunch we unloaded the dishwasher. He loves to help unload. And, he now puts up all the silverware for me. Of course he can't even see into the drawer, so he just sort of throws it in and later I go through the pile and put it all in its' correct spot.
Putting up silverware...
He also loves to get on his knees and help me get everything out of the top rack.
After unloading and reloading the dishwasher, we played for a few minutes in the living room with his nativity set and bouncy ball before getting ready for his nap. He fell asleep pretty easily and took a 2 hour nap. Yay! I had a show last night (my last one of 2010), so while he was napping I ironed my clothes, picked out my jewelry, and got everything ready to be loaded into the car. I was also able to fold clothes, write some thank you cards to hostesses, and get some other Premier stuff done before I get ready for my time off. =)
Look at that hair!
After waking him up from his nap, I gave him his snack (a cookie, cherrios, and yogurt melts) and I started getting everything out that Terrell would need to cook supper. Terrell decided to cook for him and Garrison instead of getting take-out since Garrison had fast food two times over the weekend. He's a good man and a great dad!
Me and my little man before leaving for my show
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