Terrell and I woke up on our own Christmas morning around 7:00 and waited... and waited... and waited a little longer for the little man to wake up. Finally we decided to go ahead and get him up since it was almost 8:00 and our family had to "do" Christmas, plus have breakfast, plus get everyone ready to go over to my Nanny's for lunch. Terrell had the video camera out and we were so excited. =)
AnAn?? Time to wake up! Mama and Daddy told me Santa Claus brought me some toys!!
Look at all those new toys!
I think at first Garrison was a little overwhelmed. For just a second he wasn't sure what to do. (Just so I'll be able to remember, Santa Claus brought him a Thomas the Train "Follow the Light", Chuck 'n Friends dump truck, lots of Sesame Street characters, a new bouncy ball, puzzles, a Little People raceway, and golf clubs that Granna and Papa made sure Santa delivered)
Playing golf with daddy
So proud of his monogrammed bean bag from Granna and Papa
We basically introduced Garrison to all of his toys and then let him play with each of them to get acquainted. Then, AnAn brought in his present from her. His very own basketball goal! He loved it and started playing with it right away. =)
After he had a chance to play with some of his toys, we let him open his presents from everyone. We decided to wrap a few presents from us because we thought he'd really enjoy the unwrapping part this year and my parents had wrapped a few things and my sister gave him one gift to unwrap. I think he had his fill of unwrapping by the time he finished! He got some bath toys, books, a Tickle Me Elmo, Leapfrog laptop, a shapes and colors Elmo toy, a new bookbag and lunch box, an outfit, and his very first Bible.
After Garrison finished opening his presents we all opened presents from each other. We made a huge mess! I don't think you could see the floor. We all had so much fun! I don't think you're ever too old to be excited about opening presents on Christmas morning. We were blessed tremendously with so much this year! My parents are extremely generous throughout the year and always do too much for us at Christmas, but this year they totally and completely spoiled us!! Of course they didn't want to hear any fuss about how they did too much, but they most certainly did TOO much! One day I'm going to think of a way to return their genorosity. Terrell, Anna, and I will put our heads together and figure something out. =)
After cleaning up the Christmas morning mess (somewhat), we all had breakfast and then got ready to go over to Nanny's for lunch. We've been going over to my Nanny's house on Christmas day for lunch since I can remember and I'm so glad that Garrison can experience the tradition now too. The picture below is of all of Nanny's grandchildren, including her great-grandchild, Garrison Cade. We took tons of pictures and I think in every one of them someone isn't smiling or we're all looking at different cameras, since at least 5 people were making the picture at once, but this is one of the best we got.
Enjoying his Christmas lunch
The kids opened presents after lunch and once Garrison opened his last one we heard a bell ringing... and in walks my Nanny with this antique, Radio Flyer tricycle. Those who could see the little man's face said he was smiling as big as can be. We didn't know she was getting him this gift so it was a surprise to us too. He loved it! His feet don't quite reach the pedals but that didn't stop him from hopping on and going for a ride. Just about everybody pushed him around the porch at some point.
After dinner and dessert we let Garrison open his stocking so we could get him ready for bed. It was filled with a Grover, books, socks, bibs, new ornaments, hot wheels, and a Sesame Street DVD. I think I'm remembering everything...
Did I get it all?
What a great Christmas I've had!! (And special thanks to AnAn for making so many pictures for mama and daddy so we could all enjoy my Christmas together! They turned out great!)
That night while we watched the news and waited and hoped for snow (and it did snow a light dusting for us!) and played the new card game my hubby got me, we also wondered about our plans for the next day. We were supposed to go have brunch with my mom's side of the family at my cousin Kelly's house in Gainesville. But... my grandparents, aunt and uncle, and Kelly's family were all at my uncle Terry's house in Suches enjoying 8 inches of snow. And, all of the vehicles were at the bottom of his driveway. It was finally determined that a decision would be made the next morning. We all had a feeling there was no way they could leave, but knowing Terry he would find a way, even if he had to take everyone down his driveway one at a time on a four-wheeler... including my 80 plus year old grandparents.
The next morning we woke up and had breakfast and took our time getting ready because we hadn't heard from the fam in the mountains. Finally they called and said we could still attempt to get together that day, just later in the day, or we could postpone it a week until New Year's Day. After much discussion with both households (the one in B'ville and the one in Suches) it was decided we would stick with the original plan and Terry would transport everyone down his 8 inch deep in snow driveway one at a time including luggage on his fourwheeler. Seriously!? I was shocked my Granny agreed to it. I quickly said a silent prayer for everyone's safety. We all started getting ready and finally heard from them that they were on the main road and everyone was safe and sound. Terrell packed up our car earlier and took Bailey and went to Covington to drop off our load of goodies and then met us at Kelly's. Once we arrived it took the little man a few minutes to warm up to everyone, plus wake up from his 20 minute nap in the car.
Sitting with AnAn enjoying watermelon waiting for the 3:00 brunch to get started
Playing with his cousins... I love this! They are so sweet to him and he loves them playing with him. He actually attached himself to Haley the entire time we were there.
Playing Santa Claus again and handing out presents
Petting "Bark Bark" with Uncle Terry
Opening his Christmas present from Kelly, Mike, and the kids. It was the "2 feet tall" Little People Raceway! They always get him the best gifts. =)
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