Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday Favorites: Almost There!

This week has been a doozy. Very draining and tiring. Very emotional. Very busy. Very challenging. But we've finally reached the end of the week and are almost to the weekend. Almost to some down-time. Almost to Fall Break! And almost to celebrating my 31st birthday. =) We survived a tough one and now we're ready to put it behind us and move on.

But first, I have to highlight the good this week. Because there was lots of good. Despite the challenges and exhaustion and issues we faced, God's grace and blessings were present and were felt. And I'm so thankful.

*Going way back to last Friday night as Terrell and I celebrated the contract on our house filled to the brim with joy and gratefulness, we went out to eat and the boys got draw on a chalkboard table while we waited for our food. Perfection! They loved it, we loved it, everybody was happy... I think we're going back tonight! Haha. =)

*The preschool division of our church held a little superheros party with lunch and bouncies and obstacle courses last Sunday. It was super fun for my big boys and we loved getting to hang out and catch up with friends and other parents. Needless to say Sunday afternoon at our house took on a superhero theme. =)

*The biggest "school" activity Austin and I did together this week was a Fall alphabet leaf sort. Uppercase letters went on the tree while lowercase letters went on the ground at the bottom of the tree. We didn't glue the leaves down or anything, but sorting through 52 small "leaf letters" and discussing their sounds was a pretty tedious task for my 3 year old. He still hung in there and did a great job though! Then, we counted all 52 letters as we put them back in the bag for storage. Lots of learning going on for my middle!

*Typically every afternoon my big boys will reach a point of getting wild and crazy. Sometimes it's a friendly, playing hard and having fun together wild and crazy, and sometimes it's a too rough-out of hand-quickly escalating into fighting wild and crazy. So things around here are just wild and crazy in some form or another most afternoons. So one of my go-to stategies for reigning them in is to give them choices of things to do that require sitting and calming down. I KNOW they need to move and I KNOW it's good for them to play hard, but after a while they have to settle down. So on one afternoon after giving out choices like building with something, coloring, puzzles, games, etc, they chose legos and were PERFECT building together. It was heavenly.

*This little man has become a huge fan of playing War. It's great practice with comparing numbers and really fun for him so we've been playing at least twice a day all week. I'm loving it almost as much as he is.
*Somehow I only got one picture of my littlest. Poor baby. I promise he wasn't overlooked all week! I'll try to do better next week. Anyway, one of my favorite things ever is going in his room after his naps and seeing him immediately roll over to watch me walking in and smiling so big at me. Melt my heart. Sooo precious!

*Garrison and I went to Literacy Night at his school last night and visited the Book Fair! I really enjoyed my one-on-one time with my biggest. We had a fun night together and I'm super proud of how well he's doing in Kindergarten. (Terrell took Austin and Layton to Austin's soccer game where he was a star and scored like 7 goals or something crazy. =))
We made it to Friday and are thankful for God's grace this week. Next up- weekend fun, birthday celebrations, and Fall Break! Happy Friday!!

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