Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Keep It in Perspective

This morning I woke up early and had just enough time before the kiddos and hubby were up for my quiet time and daily devotion found in my Mom's Devotional Bible. God's timing was perfect and a big eye opener. A wake up call. A slap in the face even. Here's the whole thing:

Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife. Proverbs 17:1

It is so easy to trundle down the path of the insignificant! Twelve trips to different stores in search of a tablecloth to match plates. Dressing and redressing, piling one outfit after another in a heap on the closet floor because none looks "just right." Throwing a tantrum over a husband's tardiness, thus setting the rest of the evening on edge. Battling over a bath when a sticky, happy child would rather go to bed dirty.

In some moments, these issues might matter. But in the long run, how much? Hmmm.

When the writer of Proverbs pens, "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife, " he is speaking to (among others) busy moms who focus on the insignificant instead of the eternal. Ouch.

The next time you catch yourself spinning out in a frenzy, ask one simple question, "Will this matter in five years?" If so, focus your energy on completing what is before you with grace and efficiency. If not, forget it. Double ouch. Time to ponder. And pray. And meditate on what I just read.

This little devotion was short and simple and to the point, yet profound. I was spoken to big time. Maybe it's become an excuse, but my so-so/Type A/planner of a self struggles with letting things go and not focusing on the insignificant. It's tough (most of the time) for me to not sweat the small stuff. Because I guess at the time it doesn't seem so small. Yet deep down I know it is in fact small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Some people have a natural ability to go with the flow and never sweat the small stuff, therefore keeping it in perspective... my husband is one of them. But, in a word or four, I am a Martha. (Luke 10: 38-42)

And this short and simple devotion opened my eyes, and the Lord is changing my perspective... even as I sit here typing. It won't be easy and it won't happen immediately, but slowly I know and trust that my perspective will shift, away from the insignicant and toward the eternal... and what will matter in five years.

Yes, it's still important for me to maintain a routine and order in my home. It's still a big deal to keep the house somewhat clean and organized. And I will still strive to make myself presentable and nicely dressed before going out. But, I am also going to work really hard to ask myself "Will this matter in 5 years?", as often as I need to. Without over-analyzing. Sometimes it's okay to not have everything together... for bedtime to be a little later (or naps or supper or breakfast... can you tell I'm attached to our "schedule"?), the house a little messy, the outfit not so perfect, the boys really dirty. It's okay. And I will continue to repeat it to myself until it sinks in. Ha! And if it's not okay, I will work on focusing my energy on completing what's before me with grace and efficiency... not a bad attitude, or pouting, or stressing, or complaining. Yep, God revealed more than one "issue" this morning. I'll probably be tested on this pretty soon. Time to get myself in gear. And keep it in perspective.

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