Thursday, April 26, 2012

Austin's Adventures

My littlest man has been a busy, busy boy lately... especially since he learned how to do an army crawl where he remains on his belly but uses his forearms, elbows, and the inside of his feet to scoot super fast wherever he wants to go... and how to climb under the coffee table... and get on his knees in the pack n play and crib... and get into big brother's toys...

He definitely keeps me hoppin! Oh yeah, this mama is tired. But I am loving this age so, so much. It's been tiring keeping up with him but I still find myself loving every minute. It's just so fun watching him scoot around and trying to beat him to Bailey's food and water bowls and hearing him laugh when he knows he's being "chased" and figuring out how to keep him out of everything. He makes me smile and laugh, gives me energy, and wears me out on a regular basis. And I just can't get enough of him. Have I mentioned lately I'm grateful I'm home with him every minute of the day, because I am. SO grateful. Now, time for some picture overload that capture some of Austin's adventures...

Here's my proof that he does, for sure, know how to climb onto the bottom part of the coffee table. Gracious. Caught red-handed.

And here's my proof that he knows how to get on his knees in the pack 'n play. Sorry bud, peering over the side of the pack 'n play will no longer be happening. Not on my watch.

From now on your view from the pack 'n play will look slightly different.

He's at it again... hot pursuit of Bailey's bowls. Thankfully he's never gotten his hands on anything that belongs to Bailey but we have to intervene/chase him down/head him off at least 3 times a day.

Yesterday afternoon he enjoyed watching Garrison ride his car and tricycle around, plus a little stroll from big brother himself. Precious.

Last night after bath time I decided to make a few pictures of him sitting and playing because I have tons like that of Garrison at this age. Garrison actually had a full blown "stage" of being able to sit up and play but not able to go anywhere or change from that position. I remember it well. It was heavenly. Austin skipped over that stage. He rarely sits and plays because he likes being on the move. There's just so much more fun to be had when you're mobile! He humored me for a second though.

Then he got ready to move into position. Sitting and playing is just not how it's done, mama. (Unless Garrison is nearby and keeping me entertained.)

Then he was off.

Love him! And all the adventures that come with him!!

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