My boys and I share a special bond, as all mothers and their babies do. They love me unconditionally just as I love them. They look to me for everything.... to supply their needs, answer questions, grant permission, provide encouragement, offer help, and give endless hugs and kisses. I'm the one they turn to when they're hurt or upset or sleepy. I'm the one they see and hear and interact with all day everyday. And the one they (specifically my firstborn, since my baby can't talk yet) ask When will daddy be home? Can me and him play baseball outside when he gets home? And the one they tell Mama, I am strong like daddy! and Me and daddy are baseball mans! They make me laugh a lot. And cry a little. And pray a ton.
I used to think it was normal or okay for girls and women to refer to men as jerks. (When I was a teenager I actually had a woman old enough to be my mom tell me that all men are jerks. She went on to say that she loved her husband and her son and her dad, but it's just a fact that all men are jerks.) Whoa. I'd like to correct that lie.... some men are jerks. Some women are too. Good gracious. Anyway, I used to be immune to sayings like "men are fools" or "men don't know anything". Now, having boys of my own who will one day grow up to be men, not so much. I know they won't be perfect and they will most certainly make mistakes (as we all do), but I also know that we're going to do our best to raise respectful, responsible, strong and sensitive, Godly men. And I'm praying that no one will ever be able to truthfully refer to my sons as jerks.
Sometimes it's intimidating to think about the future and daughters-in-law... and having a great relationship and friendship with them... and them having a great relationship and friendship with each other... and keeping our family close-knit... and me being the best mother-in-law ever, BUT I'm covering it all in prayer. On a regular basis. The good news is my boys have a great example in their daddy who is really close to his parents and considerate of his parents, (and calls his parents regularly... Garrison and Austin, take note!). And they have a great example in my extended family. Both my parents have brothers, no sisters, and all the boys in the family are great family men who are close to their parents. I think having boys has made family and traditions that much more important to me. Because it really is so sad to see families who exclude or alienate the husband's side of the family.
Boys are special. It's true what they say, they really do love their mamas. They love me holding them and reading to them and putting them to bed and kissing their boo-boos. But they also love spending time with their daddy and doing what daddy does. Like taking out the trash and playing baseball and watching sports on TV. My boys are blessed with a pretty amazing daddy if I do say so myself.
Occasionally it does make me nervous to think about a house full of rowdy boys... and possible bumps and bruises along the way (because I refuse to assume that broken bones are in my future). And sometimes I even feel a little insecure about them one day leaving me out of stuff... guy stuff that they'll only be able to share with their daddy. But, I know I was chosen to be their mom. And I love being a boy-mom because our relationship and bond is so strong, and because they are so much fun! It always made me feel sort of strange when people were disappointed for me after finding out I was having another boy. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a little girl. I think most parents would love having both. But still. I don't want anyone to feel bad for me because I had back to back boys. My boys are a gift from God, and because He chose boys for me (so far at least), I'm going to be the best mom and one day mother-in-law I can be. I'm going to soak up and enjoy every minute, or almost every minute, of bringing up boys. =)
Being the mom of three boys, I often think about my daughters-in-law. I hope every day it will be a great relationship
Can totally relate to everything in this post! Your boys are too cute! I have 3 boys...almost 4, 2.5 and a 3 month old. Have a great weekend :)
Hi! I'm here from Kelly's Korner. Truer words were never spoken~ I love your post! You have a beautiful family.
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