This weekend was full of celebrations. Including a surprise celebration!! Even though we were busy, it was the best kind of busy. We enjoyed the whole weekend lots.
Terrell and I made the last minute decision to have our anniversary date night on Friday night. Due to our super full of parties day on Saturday, we decided it'd be much easier and a lot less stressful to have a date night on Friday. So that's what we did! We enjoyed a delicious meal together, talked lots, reminisced lots, laughed lots, annnnd made a trip to Walmart. Haha. It was a fun night together and the kids were in bed when we got home so we were totally duty free Friday night! Thanks to Granna and Papa for their childcare services!!
Saturday morning we attempted sleeping late and made it til 7! Woohoo! Then we spent the morning getting ready for baseball parties. Both of the big boys' baseball banquets/parties ended up being scheduled on Saturday at back to back times.
Austin was up first and all 3 boys had the best time. Playing at the park, eating pizza, ice cream, and cupcakes, and then receiving a trophy? #dreamday
Austin's head coach said a few things about each player before handing out their trophy and I loved what he said about our middle. He was our team's most talked about player. He impressed parents and coaches with his work ethic and ability to concentrate and focus during every single play. He played hard and everybody loved him. So proud of our baseball player!
Immediately following Austin's party we made our way to Garrison's!
Even though Garrison didn't enjoy an undefeated season like last year, this season was so fun and good for him. We had the best group of boys and parents ever and our biggest had a GREAT season. We are so proud of him, his great attitude, and his awesome fielding and batting this year!
We had a short rest time Saturday afternoon before heading out to party #3 of the day. It was a party on a farm... and Layton Thomas was smitten. He found this old tractor and sat on it for like half the party. Hahaha. We joke that he's going to become a farmer or landscaper one day given his obsession and fascination with tractors and lawnmowers.
The party ended up being tons of fun for all 3 boys. I think I counted 15 boys present. Ha. They shot nerf guns, threw water balloons, jumped on the trampoline, played basketball. They had such a great time. And after getting everyone home and in the bath, the boys crashed and went to bed early!
It worked out perfect for us because Terrell and I had planned a little at-home date to celebrate our 11th anniversary. =)

We started by looking through our wedding album together... and I couldn't resist making a picture of a few of my favorite photos from our day.
Leaving the sanctuary! Full of joy and happiness. =)
We both loved our cakes. And so did everyone else I think!
Such a special day!
After looking through our wedding album and deciding we were too full from party food, cake, and ice cream to enjoy another dessert (as we had originally planned), we watched a sappy, cheesy, love story movie together. =) I loved our little celebrations over the weekend but we're also so excited about our trip! So thankful for 11 years of marriage to my best friend and our commitment to each other through the good, the bad, and the ugly!
Sunday morning was craziness at church with promotion Sunday... but we all survived! Ha! And Sunday afternoon while Terrell and I were cleaning up from lunch, things got pretty quiet upstairs so I went to investigate and found these 3 preparing for battle. =) A boy dress-up box is the best!
We stayed inside all afternoon on Sunday anticipating rain so we got everybody out around supper time before we went crazy and rode around in daddy's truck and made a stop for ice cream. And possibly our biggest celebration of the weekend was over our littlest man's success with potty training!!!
We are almost positive it's a done deal!!!! Yaaaaaaay Layton!!!! I knew he seemed ready based on how he could tell us every time he went or had to go. But end of year craziness with school made it just about impossible for me to put him in underwear and test out my theory. (We are big believers in underwear being the turning point of potty training and both big boys trained fast this way so we did the same thing with Layton). So on Thursday when we were home all day, I took the plunge. I think he had 3 accidents in underwear before "getting it" and never looking back. All weekend long he stayed dry and went to parties and church and did GREAT. He still needs a diaper for nap time and bedtime but that's totally normal and okay with us. We are so proud of our baby boy!! Boys being harder is a MYTH. All 3 of my boys trained easily and quick! Boy moms, take heart! It is possible before 2 and1/2!!!
So that was our weekend of celebrations. So full of parties, fun, and the best time! This week is a crazy one. Baseball camp, swim lessons/camp, tutoring, and preparing for our anniversary trip! We've jumped into summer and are loving it so far!
Have a great Tuesday!
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