I finally decided to do another "Day in the Life" post! Phew. They take forever and definitely aren't my most favorite thing to do, but I know I'll really appreciate them so, so much one day. At least one a year is my goal and considering my last one was back in February of 2015, it was time. =)
So here's a look at our day yesterday from start to finish...
My alarm went off at 5:00, which is my weekday morning wake up time, and after hitting the snooze once I was up at 5:12. I like to take a shower and get my make-up on and get awake good before having my quiet time, so I spent time reading my Jesus Calling devotional and some Scripture from Sunday School the day before around 5:45.
I was ready by 6:10 which is also the time I wake Terrell up for the day and then I took Bailey out and fed her before getting on the computer. I like to upload pictures, write, or just read my favorite blogs in the morning before waking up the kiddos. On yesterday I just read my favorites before going to wake up the big boys at 6:38.
Normally they wake up pretty easily and quickly but yesterday was tough! Yesterday morning was hard on everybody I think.
We get dressed upstairs before heading down for breakfast. Normally Terrell is out of the shower and already making breakfast when we come down, but on yesterday given that we were all in slow motion I had to make breakfast. Ha. (But Terrell did start a load of laundry for me and made sure the big boys got ready for school... brushed their hair, made sure they brushed their teeth, made sure they put on socks and shoes, etc. like he does every single morning. So thankful for him!) They picked out cereal and a Nutri Grain bar for breakfast and it was a quiet, sleepy morning.
Baby A arrived at 7:05 and about that time Layton woke up and demanded someone come and get him. Haha. So Terrell got Layton up while I got A settled and ready for breakfast.
We were shocked this one woke up so early since he's been sleeping super late for the past week or so. He was in a good mood and way more awake and peppy than the rest of us! He had raisin bread, half a banana, half a Nutri Grain bar, and dry cereal for breakfast.
Around 7:30 Layton and I told daddy and the big boys bye and they left for school and work while we finished up breakfast.
The littles played with puzzles while I cleaned up from breakfast, started the dishwasher, made up the bed, and started another load of laundry.
By 8:00 I was done with my chores so I spent some time in the living room with Layton and A reading books and playing with puzzles.
At 8:30 I changed them both out of pjs and we went down to the basement so they could have some serious play time. Ha. They love pushing dump trucks, riding on the riding toys, playing with balls and blocks and hotwheels, etc. They practically beg to go to the basement every morning. So while they were playing I went into our "unfinished" storage area of the basement and started digging through our 2T bin in search of clothes for Layton after realizing he had very little options in his room of Spring and Summer clothes.
After coming upstairs I got everybody in socks and shoes and we took a little morning stroll. I just love our little neighborhood!!
We came inside and I gave the boys a small morning snack and they played while I folded clothes.
On Mondays we have to eat an early lunch so we can go pick up Austin from school in Thomaston and be ready for naptime as soon as we get home. So I started on lunch around 10:45 and we were eating a few minutes before 11:00. My lunch was a hodgepodge. Hahaha. Some days I just eat whatever I can find and call it a lunch. And it may or may not be very healthy. Ha. #leftoverdaysaremyfriend =)
Got my favorite middle man picked up at 11:50!
I had Austin's lunch ready for him on the table when we got home so while he ate I got A and Layton down for their naps.
Since Austin fell asleep in the car on the way home from school he wasn't super tired or restful after lunch... instead he did some things at the table and played a few games on the iPad during his rest time. Meanwhile I folded clothes, emptied the dishwasher, took Bailey out and dropped some Thank You cards in the mailbox for some of my preschool SS teachers, made a couple of "recruiting" phone calls for SS, and then made 4 snacks for the boys so they'd be ready once we got home from picking up Garrison. It was a busy naptime for me.
I woke up the littles at 2:25 and we left to pick up Garrison about 10 minutes later. We were home by 3:10 and everyone came right in and ate their snack while I went through Garrison's book bag, got out his homework, washed his lunch plate, and cleaned out his lunch box. So happy to have our biggest boy home!
Garrison flew through his homework and we even did extra to get us ahead for the week and he was done by 3:40. Wooohooo! The boys played really well together and I got A ready to go home and started on supper.
After Baby A left, Layton colored at the table while the big boys played games and had some time on the iPad while I cooked. We had a pretty peaceful afternoon until right before supper got ready. I think I'll take it!
I made Pioneer Woman's Sour Cream Noodle Bake for supper and it was delish! (We leave out the onions and it's a favorite at our house!) I made green beans and Pillsbury biscuits to go with it and we have plenty leftover for Wednesday night!
We ate supper around 5:15, got the kitchen cleaned up, the dishwasher started, and everybody ready for baseball by 6:15.
Layton, Austin, and I went a little later but got to see most of the practice, plus had just a little time on the playground. =)
We were heading home a little before 8:00 and this little man wanted to wear his brother's hat and just melted my heart into a puddle with his adorable little self. #cutestthingiveeverseenever #thatsweetsmile #thosepreciouseyes
We finally made it home! Garrison Cade had another great practice!
The boys had a quick snack of popcorn and cheerios before heading up for showers and baths. Garrison is now an official "shower taker". =)
Layton wasn't asleep until until 8:45 and the big boys were closer to 9:30. They were all in bed before that but it takes some time to unwind and be able to fall asleep after a busy evening. Terrell and I have vowed not to let it happen again though. That is just way too late for us. It's a good hour or more past their regular bedtime. I basically came downstairs and made Garrison's lunch for today and then got ready for bed myself. Terrell and I talked a little and then I went to bed. I think I turned off my lamp at 10:15.
And that was our day! We're still in a bit of slow motion this morning but we have a new plan for baseball tonight and getting everyone in bed earlier so hopefully it will work! It was a full day but also a regular (baseball season) day... so I'm thankful I recorded it and will always have it to look back on. =)
Have a great Tuesday!
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