Tuesday, February 4, 2014

38 Weeks!

This morning we had our much anticipated doctor's appointment and ultrasound. And thankfully they didn't send me to the hospital, so hopefully Garrison and Layton will not have the same birthday.

To make a long story short, the ultrasound showed him weighing in at 7 pounds 10 ounces. Whoa!! Talk about making me nervous. Garrison's and Austin's "weight prediction" ultrasounds were very accurate so this weight is scary to me. HOWEVER, ultrasounds aren't totally accurate and my midwife is convinced he's closer to 7 pounds... possibly just under 7 pounds and that my delivery *should* be easier because it's my third. Obviously nothing is 100%, but for now we've made the decision to wait. We stayed in the doctor's office forever discussing pros and cons and delivery options and finally decided to just wait. I'm dilated to a 1 and 70% effaced (very similar to what I was with Austin at this point when they had to induce) so technically he could come on his own anytime.

For some reason I'm just super nervous/afraid of a c-section. If I knew for a fact that was the best option then obviously I would do it. But since we don't know and it is major surgery and the recovery is long, I'm praying I can deliver him naturally... without a bad tear! We may still have to have a c-section, but I'm not ready to make that decision just yet.

For now I have my 39 week appointment scheduled for next Wednesday and I'll be checked again and we'll see what my progress is and what his weight estimate is (at this point he should gain about half a pound a week) and from there I can choose to be induced, or to schedule a c-section, OR to keep waiting. I would love for him to come on his own... but if he keeps getting bigger and bigger I'm not sure that's an option. It's pretty stressful to try to make a final decision, but for now I'm at peace. I know everything is in God's hands and I just have to trust Him. Prayers are appreciated.

Moving right along...

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 38 weeks!

Size of Baby: 7 pounds or so and 17-19 inches long. The size of a watermelon.

Total Weight Gained/Lost: I've gained 30 pounds. Eeesh. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes. And even those are becoming slim pickins'.

Gender: It's a boy! Layton Thomas Selph

Movement: He's still active but not as crazy as when he had more room. Some positions are not comfortable for mama but I love feeling him move. There's nothing like it.

Food Cravings: Anything sweet. Sigh.

What I Miss: Being comfortable, sleeping good, and being able to get my shoes on without it hurting. Haha.

Sleep: I'm sleeping okay. Some nights are better than others but I definitely wake up uncomfortable and to change positions quite regularly... it just varies as to how quickly I fall back asleep.

Symptons: Braxton Hicks, waking up with numbness in my right hand (and feeling it off and on throughout the day), slightly swollen ankles, feeling heavy, and going to the bathroom all day long.

Best Moment This Week: Getting ready for our baby boy's arrival and my big boys kissing my belly and getting excited about meeting their little brother. 

What I'm Looking Forward To: Celebrating Garrison's 5th birthday tomorrow! (And meeting Layton soon. =))
Austin was born at 38 weeks so his last update was at 37 weeks...

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