Monday, December 2, 2013

Weekend Recap & Thankful Lists

Terrell had to work til 1:00 on Friday, (which is always a bummer but we're thankful he doesn't have to work a full day), so the boys and I hung out at home and went out for breakfast (at a drive-thru). Later that morning I let them take a bubble bath since we didn't have time for baths on Thanksgiving Day. Then, once Terrell got home we all got ready to head back to B'ville for a surprise birthday party for my Granny. Her 85th birthday was November 22nd and my uncle planned a surprise party for her the day after Thanksgiving. She was totally surprised and I think she really loved it. Success! It was fun for the boys too. Birthday parties are one of their most favorite things. =)

Friday night after we got the boys to bed, Terrell and I got the lights on our Christmas tree. Of course there were a few strands that didn't work and of course Terrell had to make a late night run to Walmart, BUT, we finally finished all the lights Saturday morning and the boys (and mama and daddy) were thrilled. Although this is the 2nd year in a row I've questioned whether we should continue to get a real tree. They just seem to be so much work. I love the tradition of cutting down our own tree and the way my house smells and Terrell and I both grew up with real trees (so we feel an obligation), but gracious it can be exhausting.

We ventured out for a little shopping mid-morning on Saturday and went out for lunch. A yummy, Mexican treat. Layton is a big fan of Mexican. =) Then, we all had naps Saturday afternoon. I think Garrison was the only one to stay awake for naptime.

Then, it was time. The moment the boys had been waiting for. Tree decorating time! Whew. This year it was an adventure. They were both so anxious and excited to get started there were ornaments flying at one point I think. Austin was definitely a challenge because he wanted to participate but didn't quite have the technique down. Terrell and I were just a tad stressed throughout the process. Thankfully our ornaments survived and we found a pretty good system that involved the boys but wasn't too risky for our ornaments and tree. And we played Christmas music all afternoon. Bliss. (If you don't count the UGA/GT game playing on our TV...)

Our tree. We think it's beautiful. The train may not survive considering it's been derailed approximately 80% of it's life since we got it around the tree, but we shall see. I'd hate to give up on it on December 2nd!

We also started our advent nativity scene on yesterday morning. Both boys get to participate and they are really loving it. It was a big hit with Garrison last year and such a great way for us to start our mornings during the Christmas season.
Yesterday afternoon was very productive as we finally got our house clean and back in order after slowly but surely decorating for Christmas over the past 2 weeks. I'm thinking I like the new system though. It was WAY less stressful and exhausting only having the tree to worry about after Thanksgiving. Going back to school this morning didn't feel quite so exhausting, draining, and rough since I was pretty well rested. Yay.
This weekend we also wrapped up our month of Thanksgiving by the boys finishing up their lists of what they're thankful for. We didn't do it every single day, but the days we did do it Garrison typically told me 2 or 3 things. Austin participated some days and came up with some all on his own and some with a little prompting. Everything they said was precious and really gave us an "attitude of gratitude" during November. I think I'll try to keep asking them what they're thankful for regularly even though I won't be recording it. I loved hearing what they had to say.
I think that's a wrap on everything. The boys and I had a good day back at school, but my hubby didn't have such a great day. He actually started with flu-like symptons. Please pray for him and us. He has a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon so we'll know more then. In the meantime I'm trying to steer clear of him and possible germs as much as possible... and trusting God with my health and Layton's. That's my biggest concern right now. I'm trying to keep control of the hormones so I don't turn into an emotional mess. We'd really appreciate prayers. And a good night's rest.

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