Thursday, December 12, 2013

30 Weeks!

This morning Austin and I dropped Garrison off at school and then went to my doctor's appointment together. He did great and I was SO thankful. It's always just a tad stressful having my littlest man tag along for appointments.

Everything looks good with Mr. Layton. I am measuring right on time and he is active and healthy. The only issue discussed today is that apparently I'm borderline anemic. Sooo, looks like I'll need to pay close attention to my iron intake.. and increase it. She wasn't too concerned so neither am I. I'll just try to up my iron here and there.

Here's our update this week...
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along: 30 weeks (and 2 days)... let the countdown begin! Eeek!!! We still have tons to do!

Size of Baby: 17-18 inches long and about 3 pounds. The size of a head of lettuce.

Total Weight Gained/Lost: This week my weight gain total went down a few pounds. I've only gained 20 as of today. Haha. I'm sort of relieved.

Maternity Clothes: Yes!

Gender: Our 3rd bundle of blue. =)

Movement: He is especially active when I'm relaxed and still and his favorite time to move around is in the evenings (and when anybody listens to his heartbeat). He can be wild and crazy! I can definitely tell he's bigger and stronger too. Some of his stretches (at least that's what I'm thinking it must be) aren't too comfy... but still really cool.

Food Cravings: I'd have to say chocolate. Yum.

What I Miss: I say this every single update, but being able to get up and down and squat without it being super difficult and really uncomfortable.

Sleep: Sleep is going really well. I still wake up every time I roll over or change positions but that's about it. Yay!

Symptons: Feeling heavy, a big appetite, going to the bathroom lots, the usual. Plus, my hair is super weird right now. It's graying fast and just having some issues. And I'm so torn about what to do with it. I don't want to cut it short before baby boy arrives (my face gets fatter the closer I am to delivery and short hair is way high maintenance) but it is hard dealing with long hair that's being crazy. Thankfully I was able to schedule an appointment with my hair stylist before Christmas for some good holiday hair.

Best Moment This Week: Getting my family well and just enjoying the holiday season.

What I'm Looking Forward To: The upcoming Christmas program at church in Barnesville and cheering on our high school alma mater at the state championship!
*Austin's update at 30 weeks

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