Monday, December 16, 2013

Our Weekend

Well, we had ourselves a wild weekend. Good, rainy, scary, thankful, sickie weekend. We kicked things off with a trip to the hometown Friday evening to see our church's Christmas program. This year both boys stayed in the sanctuary to see Papa and Nana sing. And they both did great. At one point the whole church sang Hark the Herald Angels Sing and my babies sang too. I could've cried it was so precious. We enjoy this tradition every single year and are so glad everyone was healthy enough to attend this year.

A picture I attempted in front of my parents tree before we left for the program... and this was the best one. Haha.
Friday night was sort of tough (getting the boys to settle down and go to sleep) and Saturday morning came way early with the boys getting up right after 6:00 (makes me reeally nervous about the 3 nights we have to spend away from home for Christmas). Anyway, after breakfast and packing up we got ready to head to the Georgia Dome for our high school alma mater's State Championship game. The boys were so excited to attend their first ever football game! 
(It's kind of a big deal that we made it to the dome for the first time ever in school history. And it's kind of a big deal that we have 3 seniors committed to play Division 1 football next year in college. And it's kind of a big deal that our small town high school football team dominated the entire season. The WHOLE town was at the dome. We love our Trojans!)
My sister and Frankie had plans to come to the dome too but left a little later than us... and were in a pretty bad accident on I-75 on their way there. Scared us to death. The accident was caused by 2 cars trying to merge into the same lane and then swerving to miss each other. Frankie's truck actually flipped. Praise God they were able to walk away from the accident!! They spent the rest of the day at the hospital getting checked out.. and everything looked good. We are beyond thankful for God's protection and that they are completely okay, just sore and stiff.
Once we got to the dome we ate lunch at the CNN Center and made the boys' picture in front of the area where they were preparing for the Falcons game. =)
Then it was game time! Our boys played hard and tough but unfortunately lost a close one... 14-7. We are still so, so proud and loved seeing generations of Trojans come together to support the home team. We had a really fun day and were totally exhausted by the time we got home... and realized our littlest man had most definitely come down with a cold or some other sickness. Boo!

We stayed home from church yesterday and kept an eye on Austin and tried to rest but realized pretty fast he was getting/feeling worse and couldn't go to school the next day. Terrell couldn't take off and I felt like I shouldn't take off (One, because I only had 3 days to work this week before Christmas break and two because we are so busy finishing up Christmas crafts and preparing for our party and a pajama day I knew I'd be letting my students and co-teacher down.) Sunday evening was not a good one. I felt working-mom guilt something awful. I cried off and on all night. Ugh.
Finally we decided he would be fine with Terrell's dad while I worked a few hours and then we could take him to the doctor. HUGE thanks to Pops for spending the morning with the little man. It is SO hard not having family close and family available when we're faced with a situation like the one we faced Sunday night. It was an awful, helpless, guilty feeling. No matter what I felt like I was making the wrong decision. Austin had a terrible night and was just pitiful. Poor baby was miserable and had a really hard time staying asleep. Thankfully we got him an appointment this afternoon and had the fastest doctor visit ever. God's grace for sure. He has a pretty nasty sinus infection but should be good as new once the antibiotic kicks in.
What a weekend. I'm tired.
We're praying the rest of the family stays well so we can participate in some Christmas fun this week... school parties, finishing up Christmas shopping, making Christmas goodies to share, and a possible visit with Santa. It should be lots of fun if we're all well!

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