However, naptime at our house is required. Every afternoon after lunch (or after school) we get settled down and rest. All of us. Even though my rest time always involves me doing something, it's done in the quiet, on my own terms. Sometimes I do what I want to do, other times I'm more productive. Either way it's a much needed "break" for me.
I've been blessed because both of my boys have always been great sleepers and nappers. And we've always stuck to the naptime routine pretty strictly (except on weekends) and I think that's part of what's made it so "successful" and easy. And even as Garrison's naptime has morphed into more of a "rest time" it's still been fairly predictable and simple. After putting Austin to bed we go into his room, read some books, turn on music, and then he "rests". He can't get out of his bed without permission so once he's rested for at least 30 minutes or so, if he's still awake, he can play quietly in his room for another 30 minutes or so coloring, playing puzzles, playing his Mobi Go, etc. Then if he's ready to come out he can watch a 30 minute show/movie in the living room and after that rest time is over. No major hiccups. Very little to no drama. Pretty easy breezy and smooth sailing.
I will admit that it took me a while to figure out a new system on days he didn't fall asleep. But once I found something that worked for both of us we stuck to it with almost zero issues. Until yesterday...
Yesterday was interesting and scary. Let me elaborate...
After leaving his room he was fairly quiet but I could hear that he was still awake. He sleeps with books and flashlights in his bed so I could hear pages turning and flashlights clicking and a little boy rummaging around. Then, several minutes later he was quiet. It was very similar to the day before when he'd fallen asleep during naptime. He started off playing/reading in bed and eventually fell asleep. So I assumed on yesterday that he was probably asleep and went about doing some stuff I needed to get done.
When 3:00 arrived and it was time to go wake him up I discovered him awake already. I was kind of shocked but then again he's played super quietly in his room before so I knew it was possible he'd been awake the whole time. I told him he could come out of his room to play, watch a show, or have a snack, etc. And that's when I noticed. Oh. My. Goodness.
*Disclaimer: We do not use the top bunk just yet, therefore we don't use a ladder. We also don't currently have the top bunk "made up" because we washed the comforter and sheets recently after they'd collected a layer of dust. So please excuse the top bunk mess.
Back to my discovery. If you look closely at the picture below you will see Garrison's naptime "decorations" from a naptime past. He lined up several of his markers, crayons, and blocks along the edge of the top bunk. They've remained there ever since... unless a specific marker is needed of course. No harm done. No need to make a fuss. Yesterday, however, something was there that wasn't there before.... something was added... WAY UP HIGH.... in a place he shouldn't be able to reach...ever.
Do you see what I see?? It's silver and high and the farthest object in the picture.
Somehow, some way, there is a flashlight standing on top of the tip, top corner post of the top bunk. And my almost 4 year old put it there. By himself. Unsupervised. By climbing like a monkey.
After blinking to make sure my eyes weren't playing tricks on me and letting the shock wear off, I investigated. I couldn't get the flashlight down without climbing and possibly putting myself (or the bed!) in danger. Oh my gracious. So I had a talk with him about never, ever, ever doing that again. I asked him how he got it up there and he couldn't/wouldn't (not sure which) remember/tell me so I let it go momentarily. Then I sent Terrell a picture. I think he was proud and terrified at the same time. When daddy got home he stood close by and asked Garrison to show him exactly how he got it up there. It was not a pretty sight for this mama to see. There was climbing, balancing, and reaching as high as he could involved. And that was with daddy standing right beside him ready to catch him! Praise Jesus he didn't fall and break his neck doing it during naptime!
We both had talks with him about the dangers of putting a flashlight on the tip top of the top bunk. And also discussed what to do the next time we have an idea while we're bored during naptime... call mama first!
After yesterday's naptime shenanigans... 2 words.... VIDEO MONITOR. At the very least once Austin moves in!