Saturday afternoon we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch!! It's one of my favorite traditions and I'm soo glad we were able to go this year too! We almost gave up and threw in the towel but persevered and made it happen. It turned out to be a fun afternoon the whole fam enjoyed. =)
I must preface this recap by saying that Saturday morning wasn't pretty around here. The stomach bug visited us again late Friday night, we didn't sleep well, we didn't feel that great, all of our regular plans had to be cancelled, everyone was on edge and/or fighting, and the whole morning turned pretty ugly. Finally we determined we were in the clear to leave the house and that we would still be able to visit the pumpkin patch (just much later than we'd originally planned). It was a bit of a forced trip at first but it was possibly our one and only opportunity this Fall and I'm so glad we made the effort and went. Even though we weren't all 100%, we turned our day around with this little outing and actually enjoyed each other's company once again. =) Traditions and family time are rarely perfect but they are almost always priceless.
We love to visit Twin Oaks Fun Farm for our pumpkin patch fix and this was our 3rd year in a row to visit. Other than it being HOT, we all had a really fun afternoon.
These 3 loved their time on the farm. =)
Originally I had planned on the boys wearing something Fallish for our pumpkin patch experience, but given the temps it just wasn't meant to be. #polostotheresuce #again
My heart.
Yay for Fall!!
After making lots of pictures, daddy declared it pumpkin pickin' time. We found our family pumpkin in record time and then the boys all chose a small pumpkin of their very own.
Once pictures and pumpkins were out of the way, the boys were off to the giant playground! (This picture was taken last year because I forgot to make one this year.) They LOVE this playground and it's the most impressive one I've ever seen. Soo much fun for my guys!
The corn crib is a favorite every year too!
And this year Layton actually enjoyed it too! =)
After lots of time on the playground and in the corn, we went to feed the animals.
Layton was a pro! He fed them right out of his hands!
Austin still preferred to stay at a safe distance... or he let the animals eat from his cup so as not to get his hands dirty. Haha. He did get a few of my genes. =)
All 3 boys loved the animals but Layton was especially smitten.
And look who showed up at the farm while we were there!!
I think Piper had a pretty fun first experience at the pumpkin patch! This time last year she wasn't even born and now we're getting ready to celebrate her 1st birthday!
The Selph 5, sweaty and tired (maybe that was just me) and patiently awaiting the "no hay ride". =)
We probably would've left sooner but Layton Thomas was in LOVE with this tractor so we just had to stay and fulfill baby boy's dream.
We sat as close to the tractor as possible and Layton, plus his big brothers, loved every second. It's a short and bumpy wagon ride around the farm but it was a huge deal to our fam. Especially our littlest. So it was the perfect way to wrap up our afternoon and pumpkin patch experience. 
These trips to the pumpkin patch are simple and fun but also super special. And they are the perfect example of how fast time flies. My boys are getting big and growing fast but we are going to hold onto this tradition for as long as we can! =)
Pumpkin Patch's Past...
2012... This was the year we didn't make it to a pumpkin patch
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