Austin's 5th birthday party turned out perfect and was so much fun!! The theme was a tough decision over the summer but he eventually decided on going with a Braves party. =) This was actually our 3rd baseball party theme (we're bound to repeat some themes with 3 boys, ha), but our very 1st Braves theme. We had the best time planning it and our birthday boy absolutely LOVED it. Yay!!
The oh so talented and wonderful Megan did the invites for us and her work is just the best! I fall in love with every single invitation she designs for us!
Austin was SOO excited on Friday night and Saturday morning that he could hardly stand it. There's just no excitement quite like it's my birthday party day excitement. =) He was so sweet giving us hugs and thanking us for everything. It was a major chore keeping all 3 boys out of the favors and decor as we set up Friday and Saturday but their excitement and joy was contagious and Austin's gratefulness was the sweetest! It made every bit of hard work sooo worth it!!
Traditional pre-party family pic!
My birthday boy who will be 5 (a whole hand!!) on Saturday.
My sister let us borrow her Braves wreath for the party (thanks AnAn!) and since we had the exact same set-up with the tent and water slide as last year, we decided to put it on our door by the garage and added some balloons too.
The favor table! It took us weeks to decide on favors but we finally went with cotton candy, "Big League Chew", and vintage baseball cards. The baseball cards were Terrell's as a child and were dated 1992 when the Braves were awesome. =)
In our dining room and foyer I went with simple centerpieces that the boys loved and couldn't keep their hands off of...
This little man was my shadow Saturday morning and was way too excited and curious to go hang out with his brothers in the basement. So once I started making pictures he was ready to pose!
The cake table!
Austin's cake turned out perfect! There was LOTS of indecisiveness going on when it was time to pick out the cake... then once Austin finally made his final decision we couldn't decide whether to go with an edible hat or to use our own. In the end, our cake lady gave us pros and cons and we decided to go with our own. She did a layer of vanilla and a layer of strawberry. It was sooo good!!
The back of the cake was extra special and one of my most favorite things about it!
We had lots of our own Braves/baseball decor to use plus I was actually able to find Braves balloons, plates, and cups at our party store. YAY. =)
The water slide was a huge hit again this year!! My parents have rented this for Austin's party for the past 4 years and it honestly makes his whole party. The boys LOVE it and enjoy it for the whole party weekend every year and all of the other kiddos have a blast too. We're crossing our fingers for a pool party in the future. =)
These 2 enjoyed the baby pool quite a bit. =)
We decided to serve baseball food for lunch and went with grilled hot dogs and nachos... plus I had some fruit too because most kiddos love it. Several of our little guests ate under the garage together.
These 2 cuties ate inside together. =)
The kids enjoyed the water slide while everyone finished lunch and then we rounded up the crew to come in and watch Austin open presents. And I think it's safe to say he was thrilled with every single gift. =)
I love Garrison's face and reaction too. There are some serious perks to being a brother of the birthday boy. =)
This particular gift is a "Hot Wheels Sto and Go Playset" and Terrell had one just like it as a child. It was actually his favorite toy. So daddy has been just as smitten over this gift as Austin... and his brothers. =)
Austin truly loved and appreciated every single gift. And I loved watching his joy and gratefulness overflow. It was a sweet and fun time for our favorite middle man. 
We moved right from presents to the cake and singing of Happy Birthday. One of my very favorite parts of all of my boys' parties! I'm just so thankful for my boys and looove watching them grow and celebrating birthdays with them.
After enjoying our delicious cake some of our party guests had to leave, but those who were able to stay enjoyed the water slide again. The birthday boy was the first back on the slide. I got an action shot of him right as he came down so you can only see his head. #mamawasn'tfastenough =)
We did have one guest who wasn't impressed. Hahaha. Bless it. Piper decided she wasn't a fan. #memories
Love Shannon's surfer pose. =)
Layton finally agreed to go down with Terrell and LOVED it!
Oh the cuteness! He went down several times with Terrell and then some by himself too.
Austin's 5th birthday party was a huge success and so much fun!! He loved every single detail and that made my heart so happy! Big, BIG thanks to my parents for providing the entertainment and to everyone who came to help celebrate our birthday boy. He was genuinely thankful for each guest and gift!
This week we're on countdown to the big 5th birthday and we're super excited to celebrate lots during our long weekend! Saturday morning we'll wake up with a 5 year old!!
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