Garrison and the birthday girl =)
(Just a note so I don't forget: Garrison cried for the first time ever when we left him in the nursery. He's never cried when we've left him anywhere. I literally can't remember a single time. He's been clingy before, maybe whiny, maybe looked a little sad, but never cried. Well Sunday morning he cried and pitiful, terrible cry. It was heartbreaking and a shock to my system because I'm sooo not used to that. Thankfully my mom waited outside the door to make sure he was okay so we could go ahead and go into church. He didn't cry very long, but we think we know what caused it. When we dropped him off there was only one other little girl in there, who started crying as soon as we walked in. It always bothers Garrison when someone else is crying. Plus the last time we went to church in Barnesville, my mom had to stay in the nursery so we're thinking he expected that again this time. Poor baby. I'm so glad it didn't last that long and that other little "classmates" showed up soon.... and that he was completely fine and happy when we picked him up.)
After church we went to Buckner's for a big birthday lunch. Of course it was delish and we ate too much. Again, not a problem for me these days.
Me and my little man... with Emma in the background.
After we got home from lunch we got ready to celebrate with cake, ice cream, and presents. We had been trying to practice the 'Happy Birthday' song with Garrison and he had already told Granna "Happy Day" more than once, so he was ready once we lit the candles and starting singing. And of course he got to help blow them out.
After finishing our cake and ice cream we gave Granna her presents and cards. Garrison is now at the age where he wants to open all of that. 
After all the fun and excitement of Granna's birthday celebration (plus playing outside with Papa and watching Granna and AnAn play the Wii... Granna's birthday present) we headed over to Terrell's parents to see them for a little bit and have supper before going back to Covington. It didn't take Garrison long to fall asleep in the car so we rode him around to give him a quick nap before going to Nana and Pops'. He enjoyed lots of playtime there and then we had a light supper at Big Chic. Terrell and I shared a meal (I can't remember that happening before) and Garrison wasn't too interested in eating.... I think he was still full from cake and ice cream. We had a great weekend with family and hope Granna has a very "Happy Day!" today on her actual birthday. Now, we're getting ready for a long weekend trip to Gatlinburg with Terrell's side of the family. =) Yay for fun weekends!!
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