This week has been a little on the long side. The first full week back goes that way I think. It's been a little busier and more tiring, but still very much a week in January for us. Lots of downtime in the midst of party planning. =) We are super thankful we have the long weekend to look forward to!
Here's a quick look at my favorite happenings from the week..
*At the beginning of the week Layton and I had tons of quality time together. It was the best. Pop the Pig and practicing number recognition and counting were my favorite.
*And later we all played as a family! Game Nights are so fun and the epitome of quality time together for us.
*Layton and I went party shopping this week! We *think* we have almost every single thing we need to pull off 2 special parties coming up. (And I learned a new secret of easy, peaceful shopping with him.... let him walk instead of making him ride in the buggy! He did amazing walking around with me. There were times he slowed us down some, but it was worth it!)
*Our morning of shopping wore him out! My baby is moving to a big boy bed soon and it's going to hurt my heart a little. He still likes to be rocked every night! Oh the emotions!!
*A little after school gear building while I called out spelling words to my biggest was my favorite.
*These 2 peas in a pod sure do have a good time together at Granna's.
*SO precious!!!
*Family Game Night selfie! Hungry, Hungry Hippo was so fun.... and Layton practiced counting and Austin practiced some math and we laughed together a ton. Love our off season perks so much!
*Favorite Not-Pictured Moments.... Singing hymns with my big boys at bedtime one night this week. Be still my heart! Also my First 5 App and Jesus Always devotions have been soo good this week. God is speaking to me, quieting my heart, and fighting my battles with each one. And last but not least, I continue to see amazing progress with my student I'm tutoring. AMAZING progress. My teacher heart is overflowing!!
I'm off to work today with some sweet 1st graders and this afternoon we are kicking off our weekend immediately. =) We are looking forward to family time, the Falcons play-off game, outside time, and extra sleep and rest. Happy Friday and Happy Long Weekend!!
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