Layton's birthday was Friday the 12th so we spent the day celebrating our littlest man. I think once he caught on that we were celebrating him, he really loved his day!
We let the big boys wake him up and they put his 2 balloons inside the crib with him. I think Garrison and Austin were just as excited as Layton. We love celebrating birthdays around here!
He was pretty excited to have a huge good morning/Happy Birthday welcoming crew. He finally started saying Happy Day! because he heard Happy Birthday so much!
His birthday doughnut and 2 candles were waiting on him downstairs and he was thrilled....
Until we started singing, then he was just a little confused... haha.
We coached him on blowing out the candles and he managed to blow them out all by himself one at a time. We had a fun morning with our birthday boy.
The rest of the day was pretty typical... Baby A came, Garrison left for school, Austin stayed home with us because his school was on Winter Break, and we just did our usual routine. The boys played with balloons, played with balls, we read books, played a couple of games, ate lunch, had naptime/quiet time, and then started our celebration over again once we picked Garrison up from school and Baby A left to go home.
We had debated on what we thought Layton would like to do for supper and had considered taking him out to eat Mexican because baby boy LOVES a soft taco and a side of rice. But come Friday afternoon it was clear that Layton just really wanted to be outside. So that's what we did. I took the boys out and Layton Selph did all of his favorite things.
He played ball...
He got in lots of swing time...
He slid down the slide at least 10 times...
And he just enjoyed the afternoon with his big brothers. It was a great way to celebrate our littlest love. He had a the best afternoon.
After being outside all afternoon we decided to get Mexican take-out for supper so Layton could still have one of his favorite meals. And of course the birthday boy got a little doughnut for dessert. =) We had a great day celebrating our sweet boy and we're looking forward to his birthday party with family coming up this weekend. The theme is BALLS I think he's going to love it!!
*Quick side note... Friday night Austin chose Swiss Family Robinson for movie night and the boys were huge fans! The movie is over 2 hours longs so we split it up and let them watch the first half Friday night and the 2nd half Saturday morning. They LOVED it. Then they played Swiss Family Robinson/pirate fighters all morning long on Saturday. =) If you have boys I recommend this movie!
Also on Saturday we spent the day with this sweet girl!
We offered to keep Piper sometime before baseball season starts so her mama and daddy could go out on a date and Saturday was the day! Date days used to be one of our favorite things when our babies were little because we still got away for most of the day but were back home in time for bedtime. We loved having sweet Baby Girl with us all day!!

She napped good, got pushed in the swing by her big cousins, played a lot, got lots of extra attention, drank up her bottles, and even got held some too. =)
Ohh Layton. When did you become a giant? Hahaha.
While Piper was with us the boys also went grocery shopping with daddy and got in some outside time playing baseball. We are gearing up for the season and mama is trying not to stress. Lots of busy nights, busy schedules, and a home away from home in the form of baseball fields are coming our way.
We had a really GREAT Saturday and can't wait to give this sweet baby love's parents another date!
Sunday was all about love and a sweet and simple Selph Family Valentine's Day and Monday was all about the extra day with daddy! The whole family slept late and just enjoyed a lazy morning at home. The big boys and I finally played the new heart memory game I made... we matched all 26 letters, uppercase to lowercase. And playing the game with superheros was a fun bonus. =)
We did a little party shopping before going out to lunch and we actually ran into Pops so we had lunch with him and he treated us! A President's Day surprise! =)
Once we got back home and got Layton down for his nap and the big boys occupied for rest time, I went out to finish up party shopping solo. I just need a few more small things and it was easier for me to go by myself than to take the whole family. We think we finally have everything we need to party on Saturday!
When I got home all my babies were outside playing. We actually spent quite a bit of time outside all weekend despite the chilly temps.
After coming inside we decided to graph our sour sweet tarts... which were supposed to be conversation hearts, but the sweet tarts worked perfect and turned out to be candy favorites. =)
We all had a really sweet, simple, fun, long weekend together. And I must say I especially LOVED all the extra time I was able to spend with this guy. I've fallen in love with him thousands of times over the years and it happened again this weekend. I am so thankful God made him for me and me for him. It's the most special and wonderful thing ever and this weekend reminded me of that.
This week we're on Winter Break and planning to soak up the extra downtime and slower pace big time!! Woohoo!! Have a great Tuesday!
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