Friday morning kicked off our day full of traditions for Garrison and the whole weekend turned out to be a great one! Full of fun, celebrations, and good times with our birthday boy!
We woke him up by putting 7 balloons in his bed. =) Austin jumped up right away and was super excited while Garrison just snoozed. Haha. Eventually he realized what was going on and woke up enough to remember it was his birthday.
They love the balloon tradition. And we love how much they love and enjoy their birthdays, and each others'!
As soon as they got dressed and came downstairs for breakfast we got his traditional birthday breakfast doughnut ready complete with 7 candles and sang to our biggest boy. (And of course he had to use his birthday plate from his 5th birthday party... something he shares with his brothers on their birthdays too.)
Once the big boys were ready for school we had time to give Garrison his present from us before it was time to go. We always typically do a "smaller" gift for the birthday boy and then take them on a special outing, and this year our smaller gift for Garrison was his very own "Scout".
Even though this is something most people give to toddlers Garrison has never had one but both of his brothers do... so he's always mentioned wishing he had one because of the bedtime music and because it's personalized and says your name and favorite food, color, animal, etc. He even confided in Austin earlier in the week after his party that he was disappointed he didn't get a Scout for his birthday. Haha! We had it all along but waited until his actual birthday to give it to him. =) It's been a huge hit so I'm excited he's so thrilled with it.
The whole family went and had lunch with Garrison at school before sharing cookie cake with his entire class and signing him out early for the day.
We made a stop by AnAn's room before leaving the school for a few special birthday treats and some family pictures. It was a fun little celebration with our 7 year old.
Friday afternoon was super laid back. I let the boys play outside even though it was chilly and they had the best time. Who can resist a cute and sweet birthday boy's requests??
They LOVE playing basketball with our little tikes goal that we keep under the garage. They're definitely going to need a real one in the driveway one day. (Plus a real basketball since they currently just use soccer balls, haha.)
We wrapped up the day with Garrison's request for supper.... mama's spaghetti, then the boys enjoyed AnAn's cupcakes for dessert before settling in to watch the Hawks game per Garrison's request. We let them stay up til halftime and then got them in bed so we'd be ready for our celebration to continue the next day.
Ready for Garrison's birthday outing bright and early Saturday morning!
We started the day at the Phipps Plaza mall at Build a Bear!
Of course Austin couldn't be left out. =)
I didn't get a picture until we got home but meet our Build a Bear creations... Spot and Marley. =) Austin has already decided he'd like a Build a Bear gift card for his birthday too. Ha. We didn't give Austin free pick in the store since he didn't have a gift card but of course you can't even tell I chose something much cheaper for him. =)
After leaving the mall we found a Chick-fil-A and had an early lunch before heading to the Georgia Aquarium!
It was super crowded (the only downside to visiting on a Saturday in the Winter I guess) but all 3 boys seemed to love every exhibit. We went to the cold water exhibit first and visited the beluga whales. One of our very favorite animals at the aquarium!
Even this little man really enjoyed himself. And I have to brag on him because he was in a car seat or stroller almost all day long and he did GREAT! We were so thankful he enjoyed himself and was so content and happy for almost our entire outing.
The last exhibit we visited was the ocean exhibit and even though it was extremely crowded it was a favorite for everybody!
Layton was amazed the whole way through. =)
We even watched daddy pet a shark. The big boys were planning to but got a little spooked after someone ahead of us in line pulled on the shark's fins and the sharks displayed some aggressive behavior so they gave them a little "touch break" for a few minutes. I think Terrell was one of the first to touch one of them after the break was over.
Before we left we visited the gift shop so they could pick out one small animal each, which they paid for with their own money. =) A sting ray and harbor seal are now members of the family along with Spot and Marley. Haha. Even though we didn't get to do any of the "extras" that the aquarium offers we had a really fun day together and are super excited we can go back whenever we want this year!
Sunday afternoon was all about Superbowl prep! The big boys did a few football drills in the living room while I made Pioneer Woman's potato skins (straight from her A Year of Holidays cookbook) for the big party. It was a pretty fun afternoon.
Ready to head across the neighborhood to Granna's and Papa's to cheer on the Broncos!!
The Falcons are our team so we all wore our Falcons gear... however we were hard core Broncos fans come game time! Goooo Broncos!|!!
We had a huge spread of the best party food ever. And this was before everything was out on the table! It was delish. Superbowl food is some of my very favorite!
The cake was a big hit too. =)
Come game time these 2 were pumped. (Even though you can't tell from the picture, ha) They were so excited and so ready to cheer on our team. It was a fun and exciting night. At one point we all got so excited and started cheering so loudly we startled Piper. Bless it. She doesn't realize yet that she was born into one of the loudest families ever!

We got home around 8:00 and got Layton in the bed first and let the big boys stay up til halftime before getting them in the bed. Terrell and I stayed up for the whole game and our team came out on top! So happy for Peyton and the Mannings!! Plus the rest of the Broncos team. =)
The boys were thrilled to see the final score first thing yesterday morning! They've watched replays and really savored the victory. To quote Austin, 24 to 10! That was easy peasy. (Pretty sure he had his doubts about the Broncos and their ability to defeat the Panthers) To quote Garrison, I just kept saying in my bed, "If the Falcons can, the Broncos can" Hahaha. The Falcons and the Broncos were the only teams to defeat the Panthers this season. Woohoo!!
It was a super fun weekend. We loved it start to finish. =)
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