Friday, March 29, 2013

Egg Hunts & Easter Buckets

In an effort to make sure at least part of my boys' Easter gets documented, I'm blogging on a Friday night in the midst of packing, laundry, and Easter oreo balls. But it's a welcome break for me so I'm sitting down and enjoying it!

The boys had Easter egg hunts at school yesterday and today. They both loved every second. Austin loved his so much he was devestated when his daddy took his bucket away from him after the hunt was over. Heartbroken I tell you. Garrison loved his so much he's been asking for candy every hour on the hour. (I kid. But it does feel that way sometimes.)

Garrison's was yesterday and Austin's was today. Austin and I went to Garrison's together yesterday, and today my director covered my class for me for a little bit so I could go to Austin's. And daddy came too! They both had so much fun and got lots of candy. It was much easier to photograph Austin at his hunt because he took his time and stopped to pose and was quite leisurely. We were very impressed at how quickly he learned to find an egg and put it in his bucket. Garrison on the other hand was on a mission that could not be interrupted. He was even a tad disappointed that his bucket wasn't as full as he had hoped it would be. Thankfully a class picture interrupted his almost pity party. Whew.

On a mission
Austin found a couple for brother!
Class picture time!
Loving his bucket and ready to hunt
Class picture! (Half of his little friends were crying. The one beside him is obvious, then there's the sweet little girl in the process of jumping ship, and then there's missing Luke who took off for mama before his picture was ever taken... hence the missing spot in the group.) Precious nonetheless.

And here's a sneak peek at the contents of the boys' Easter buckets. We make sure to keep it extra simple at Easter and just get them each a few small, inexpensive goodies. Plus they get some fun things from Granna and Nana so there is never any need to go overboard.

This year Garrison is getting a new Leap Frog DVD (Talking Words), fruit snacks/gummies, underwear, a pack of card games (he is really into card games right now), a water/paint notepad thingy (we found it at the dollar section at Michaels), 2 new hotwheels (Austin is really into hotwheels right now so Garrison has gotten back into them too), and a gardening rake and shovel (to be used outside or at the beach). Plus he's getting a few eggs with jellybeans or money. =)

Austin is getting some fruit/veggie melts, a new sippy cup, a watering can for the bathtub, Destin, a bouncy ball, a new toothbrush, 2 new hotwheels, and a new plate/container for his lunch box (which was accidentally left out of the picture). He will also get a couple of eggs with "candy" and money.

Austin is a little tougher to shop for because of his age and the fact that it's hard to buy him really small toys. And this may be the first year ever we didn't do a book for either one of them. We have tons and we usually get lots as gifts so we just decided not to this year. Easter bucket gifts are simple and practical but hopefully still fun and exciting for our little guys.
So thankful for Good Friday and His sacrifice, and that I serve a Risen Savior! 

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