Here's a picture of you at 6 months. You were a happy, laid back, and oh so cute baby. You showed us your personality a lot at this age and were already scooting around and rolling around to get into things and make your presence known. Your mama, daddy, and brother loved holding you, watching you, and playing with you.
This is a picture of you at 12 months. You were a wild man!! You were fully mobile and got into whatever you wanted. You made everyday an adventure. You loved playing with Garrison and climbing on things and putting things in your mouth. This was a fun and very busy age for you.
At 18 months your personality is a little more mellow. You're really independent and are content to play by yourself sometimes. You are a mama's boy through and through. You still love to be held and rocked. Being read to is probably your favorite thing ever. You LOVE playing with your big brother. And you are extremely tough and resilient. (I guess that's part of having a big brother)
You wake up everyday a little after 7:00. When we have a break from school you sleep a little later but on school weeks you're our early riser. You go to bed around 7:30 every night. You still take 2 naps a day on "non-school" days. Your morning nap is short and lasts from about 9:30ish-10:30ish and your afternoon nap is about 2 hours and lasts from 1:30ish to 3:30ish.
Your favorite foods are all kinds of meat, bananas, apples, pears, peaches, bread, dry cereal, crackers, grits, spaghetti, and cheeseburgers. You're finally starting to eat some vegetables. (Since switching to table food you haven't been a fan.) You like green beans, peas, and baby carrots occasionally. Your typical breakfast is a banana and dry cereal or a cereal bar. Your typical lunch is deli meat, crackers, cheese, fruit, and yogurt or applesauce. And your typical supper is whatever we're eating... which makes us really proud! You have a really big appetite and love to eat!
One of your favorite things to do while I cook or prepare meals (other than let me know you're starving!) is to get inside of your cabinet. You normally empty it out and climb in and want Garrison or I to close the door so you can open it up and play peek-a-boo!
You also love to push your dump truck around. This is something you and Garrison almost always do together. Y'all fill them up with things or race them or chase each other and have the best time. You love doing just about anything Garrison is doing. Most of the time the two of you are the best playmates!
You love climbing into things. We find you in the laundry basket, your toy basket, and your book basket all the time. Reading books by yourself and being read to are your absolute favorite hobbies. We always read 3-4 books before naptime and bedtime and you are so relaxed and attentive. I know you're soaking up a LOT from being read to.
You love playing with Garrison in his room. Especially at his table. This is a big deal to you and you will play there for as long as we let you. You've also been known to climb on top of his table and turn your brother's room into a diaster area. We have to really keep a check on y'all when you're playing together in his room!
You are talking more and more and learning new words everyday. Here's a list of the most popular I can think of: mama, dada, bruba (brother), bay-bay (Bailey), bye bye, blue, shoe, amen, ball, car, bubble, book, whoa, truck, duck, and quack quack. You've attempted "please" a time or two and we can count on one hand the number of times you've said your grandparents names (you're still content to call them mama, haha), but you are starting to repeat almost everything we ask you to say. Yay for a growing vocabulary!
You are so precious to our family and we are so thankful for you! We are all loving watching you grow and learn and change. You make us laugh. You keep us busy. You add fun and excitement and adventure to our family all the time! Happy Birthday to our growing littlest man! We love you Austin Selph!!
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