*I'm still getting the hang of our new camera and honestly haven't used it that much... but I couldn't resist this picture... extra large. It was just before Austin decided to stand up in the wagon since it wasn't in motion for all of 3 seconds. That child. He keeps me busy and on my toes!
Fall Weather: We are loving the Fall weather around here. We've been outside every single day since my big boy got better. The boys have both put lots of miles on their cars, enjoyed wagon rides, "cutting the grass", and lots of extra playtime with daddy. And... breaking news....Austin is finally able to go outside with daddy and Garrison while I finish cooking supper. Woohoo! After supper Garrison and daddy usually go back out for a little more play time and to clean up while I give Austin a bath. We've also been opening our windows almost every night and closing them before bed. Perfection.
Changing of the Closets: Since the weather has changed and we had a pretty big cold front on Sunday and Monday we decided to go ahead and change out their closets. We put away tons of warm weather clothes to make room for cold weather clothes. The process is long and time consuming. We start by emptying drawers and purging their closets of almost all warm weather clothes. Then, we go through Garrison's old clothes because there's a good bit of them that Austin can use... plus we need to make room in our tubs for all the clothes we just purged from their rooms. Then we have to go shopping for some new clothes and pajamas. Then we have to wash everything. Then we have to put it all away. Craziness. But kind of exciting too because the season is changing and we're entering a new time of year and the holidays are getting closer.
Priority Rearrangement: Recently we've have some priority shifts around here. First of all, just this week, I've realized that without a doubt I have to start going to bed earlier. I wake up really early so I can get ready and have my quiet time and read a few blogs before the boys are awake. Then we rush around getting ready on my work days. Then I'm really tired in the afternoons... which occasionally leads to laziness and not being productive. Then I find tons to do in the evenings since things weren't taken care of sooner. So I go to bed later. It's a vicious cycle. Sooo, I've vowed to try my best to go to bed earlier.
We've also been turning off our living room TV in the afternoons and evenings (before the boys go to bed)... except for an occaisonal espisode of Mickey Mouse or afternoon movie requested by my little man. We've had lots of issues with our TV recently so one of the things we're doing to hopefully extend it's life is watching it less. So far, it's been nice. I've always enjoyed the background noise and distraction it offers while I cook or watch the clock waiting for Terrell to get home, but it makes things a little more quiet and a little more focused around here. Especially while we eat.
A couple of weeks ago I read a quote about marriage that keeps coming back to me. It basically said that your marriage should come first (after God) and everything else has to come after that. And how your children, parents, job, commitments, etc all benefit from putting your marriage first because your marriage is the central unit to everything else. Whoa. I am especially guitly of putting my children ahead of my marriage. Maybe it's a mama thing or maybe it's just a me thing but I know I'm guilty. However, when I look at it from the perspective of my children benefiting from me putting my marriage to their daddy ahead of them it sort of changes things. I don't want to ever use that as an excuse to be away from them every weekend or to never consider their needs or to always choose what we want to do over them. I never want to be that selfish, and personally I think those kind of habits mean your priorities are out of order. But I do want to make our marriage a top priority. It could mean more date nights...letting the kids spend the night away a little more...watching an entire Georgia game with Terrell... decluttering around the house since I know that's one of my husband's pet peeves... not taking him for granted and being more apreciative of all he does for our family. I'm a work in progress but hopefully I/we can rearrange our priorities to make sure our marriage is first.
Mealtime Drama: Baby boy is not making things easy on us during mealtimes. If I'm preparing a meal while Terrell is at work, he is into everything in the kitchen... the pantry, Bailey's food and water bowls, the dishwasher... OR he's right up under me whining and crying because apparantly he's starving and can't wait another second for his food. He lifts one of his little hands up and gives me a pitiful I'm so hungry I could faint face and literally begs for food. So dramatic. Then we finally sit down to eat and he's constantly uhhh, uhhh, ehhh, hmmmm- ing quite loudly and impatiently begging for more food or different food. We rarely have a moment's peace. He always wants more. Then if you give him more green beans or peas or potatoes he gets mad because he wants the good stuff first... bread, cheese, fruit, and occasionally meat depending on what you're offering. Gracious. Maybe one day things will calm down... and he'll be less demanding. And learn his table manners. Ha!
Thankful for Thursdays: Thursdays have become a day I really look forward to and am so thankful for. It's a day off for starters. Yay! But it's also kind of like my kick off to the weekend. I still have to work on Fridays but Fridays are just good and fun anyway... and even if they're not you make it through with an almost smile because the weekend is about to start! Thursday nights are also a little more laid back. We have our simple meal on Thursdays... leftovers, tacos, spaghetti, frozen pizza, etc. Then we try to get the boys in bed a little early because of it being a school day for everybody on Friday and us having to get out the door pretty early. And we always start the evenings once the kids are in bed with football. There's one NFL game on and one college game on. And it just feels like Fall. =) Then, once we make a deicison, we turn off football to watch one of our shows together. I'm thankful for everyday, but Thursdays have become one of my favorites.
Happy Thursday and Happy October!
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