Before I share some of our adventures from the day, I'll explain why we went shopping in the first place. Next weekend we're having our annual family pictures done. I'm really excited because these will be the first professional photos of our family since Austin arrived and we're going to get some similar pictures of Austin that we had done of Garrison at this age. Sooo, everyone needed an outfit or shirt (or scarf) to wear for the pictures. And, since we knew we'd have to take 2 strollers and our shopping experience could turn into a nighmare if we attempted it on our own, we made the decision to ask my mom to come along to help and be an extra set of hands.
My mom came over before 9:00 and we were out the door by 10 after and headed to the mall closest to our house (but prepared to travel further if we couldn't find everything we needed at our first stop). We arrived at the mall around 9:35 and parked upstairs at Macy's (where we usually park because of the children's departement being upstairs plus the Food Court). We found a great parking spot and unloaded 2 strollers, got 2 kiddos situated in strollers, and began the short walk inside.... until we noticed the bar thingys behind the door signifying it wasn't open yet. Great. We quickly decided to just walk around Macy's to what we thought was the entrance to the Mall instead of packing up the strollers again and getting back in the car only to have to start over again. Our walk was pleasant, but not short. We had to walk all the way around an entire building and parking lot only to discover we still weren't at the "Mall Entrance", just the other side of Macy's. So we walked across another parking lot to JCPenny. Thankfully they were open and we finally made it inside, to a quiet mall with no stores open. Ugh.
While we waited for stores to open my mom strolled Austin around and we let Garrison play in a designated play area. He was the only one there so he had a ball.
The store was open so we began our quest for cute, semi-matching, picture perfect outfits. After searching through piles of shirts and sweaters, plus trying a shirt, vest, and sweater on Garrison (which he was only semi-cooperative about) we made our choices and purchases and went back to the play area. (Part of the reason Garrison didn't want to cooperate was because he kept saying he wanted to go play.) Garrison played and chased a new little friend and watched the mall choo choo train before we went to lunch (which meant getting back on an elevator with strollers in tow).
Lunch went good except for the fact that Garrison took forever to eat, not that that's anything new. He takes his sweet time and enjoys every bite at every meal. He also tried getting up from the table once and ignoring me. After taking care of that little issue he finally ate his lunch, just really slowly.
Since seeing the mall train and hearing it off and on while were at lunch, Garrison changed his mind and decided he'd like to ride it after all, and so we headed back downstairs so he could ride the train after lunch. Time for another elevator ride. Shopping with strollers is one big hassle.
He was very apprehensive about the train ride, and the conductor, but since Granna was with him he decided it was safe and he could handle it.
Finally enjoying himself. =)
Even though we totally underestimated the craziness that would occur from shopping with both boys, I think the trip was a success overall. But only because Granna was there. Seriously. Terrell told my mom afterwards that we would have been at each other's throats if she hadn't been there. He's right! The stress and craziness of 2 strollers, 2 boys, elevator rides, train rides, trying on clothes, feedings, diaper changes, potty trips, etc, etc, would have definitely caused us to turn on each other. For sure. Haha. Granna's presence kept us sane and made for a much more fun and successful shopping trip. Thanks a bunches Granna!!! We couldn't have done it without you!
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