Garrison, Austin, Bailey, and I arrived in Barnesville on Wednesday afternoon. Typically we arrive in time to help AnAn cook, but this year was just too crazy with feedings and packing up for everybody so we arrived a little later than normal. Garrison immediately helped AnAn get started on the chicken pot pie (delish!) while I unloaded the car and got everyone's rooms ready for bedtime since we'd have a late night (for the boys at least). Then I fed Austin before we jumped in the car (with daddy who arrived just in time!) to head downtown for supper and the annual "Lighting of the Trees".
We tried to bundle up since the temperature dropped a little lower than expected and my oldest little man had a ball with his cousin Allison eating a Christmas cookie and taking everything in! My youngest little man slept through most of the action but woke up occasionally to check things out.

If you can't tell, I wasn't able to get any good pictures once the trees were lit. Garrison actually got upset when he saw Santa Claus riding into town on the fire truck... so we headed for the car pretty soon. For some reason Garrison loves "Ho Ho" from a distance only. Maybe next year he'll finally warm up to him.
Thursday morning we were up and ready for Thanksgiving with the Selph side of the family. We made family pictures and then spent the first half of the day with Terrell's family. Terrell's mom prepared a yummy feast for all of us and the cousins had a ball playing together.

Ready for Thanksgiving dinner at Nana and Pops' house! His meal consisted of corn, potatoes, a couple of butter peas, a tad bit of chicken from the dressing, grapes, and dessert of course. =)
Unfortunately I didn't really get any other pictures from Nana and Pops house. I think it's because a lot of the time Garrison was outside playing while I was inside, and when he was inside I was either feeding or tending to Austin (who actually slept the majority of the morning), or I was trying to make sure he played fair with Allison. Those two together will keep you on your toes!
Ready for Thanksgiving dinner at Nana and Pops' house! His meal consisted of corn, potatoes, a couple of butter peas, a tad bit of chicken from the dressing, grapes, and dessert of course. =)
Around 2:00 we left the Selph's to drive over to my parents' house for the rest of the afternoon and evening of Thanksgiving. They had a full house and we just blended in with crowd. Ha! We ate more dessert and caught up with everyone that afternoon before visiting more extended family and coming back to my parents' for Thanksgiving leftovers for supper. Yum-O!

Thursday night, Terrell had to come home to Covington because he had to work half a day on Friday. Thankfully, Austin had a pretty good night and I even got to sleep a little late. Friday afternoon Terrell came back to Barnesville and we all went out to get our Christmas trees. This has become an annual tradition for us and this year it became even more fun because Garrison was really into it and enjoying it.
I have no idea what was up with the warm temps on Friday. We were all a little hot by the time we found our tree. I'm not saying I love cold weather, but at Christmas time it'd be nice if it was cooler than 75 degrees!

We usually always help decorate my parents' tree on Friday night, but this year the guys (and AnAn) went to the Trojan football game~ 3rd round of the playoffs! We lost in the 4th overtime and were pretty heartbroken over it. Even though we don't know the players personally, AnAn does, and we know some of the coaches, and we're LC alumni, and they had a GREAT undefeated season, etc. etc. the loss was tough. Real tough. But we're still SO proud of our Trojans and the coaches (and the trainers!) for their awesome season.
Saturday morning we woke up, packed up the trillion bags and suitcases we brought, ate a delicious breakfast prepared by Granna, and decorated the Christmas tree ( partially) before heading back home to Covington to get our own tree and house decorated.... more on that to come. I'll leave you with pictures of my biggest blessings this year during the decorating of Papa and Granna's tree.
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