As you know, I was a little apprehensive about leaving Garrison for a whole weekend at my parent's house. There was just something about him staying overnight somewhere else without us that made me nervous. Anyway, I drove him down to Barnesville on Friday afternoon after his nap and tried to talk to him about the weekend and how much fun he was going to have, etc. We had been telling him that mama and daddy were going on a date and that Garrison would get to stay at Granna and Papa's and spend the night with them. Well on the way down to Barnesville he told me a couple of times "mama daddy no go on date". Oh goodness. That really had me stressing at first. I didn't know if I'd be able to leave him if he was upset. But I just changed the subject or started telling him about all the fun stuff he'd be able to do at their house. Then of course once we got there he was fine. I got him settled in and unpacked a few of his things and tried to hang around for a little while before leaving. This is a picture of him before I left. He was a happy little man and had absolutely no trouble telling me bye. It made leaving him way easier.
Saturday morning we started our day with a tour of Turner Field. We are both really big Braves fans and I had heard about the tour from a friend of mine, so we decided to try it out. We really enjoyed it and these are the only pictures we took the entire weekend.
Sitting in the Coca-Cola seats at Sky Field
Before going in the Braves Clubhouse
The Clubhouse!
We weren't allowed to go in and view their lockers up close, so a security guard made this picture of Brian McCann's locker for us
and this one of Chipper Jones'
We also got to go in the dugout
and on the field... just not on the grass
Standing in the dugout
It was a really neat tour and we got to go places inside the stadium we never would have been able to otherwise. I loved going in the broadcast booth and press boxes and especially loved seeing a suite. I would love to watch a game from a suite. Ahhh... a girl can dream.
After the tour we left Turner field and had lunch at the Varsity. Yummy. Again we took our time and talked a lot.
Once we finished lunch we went over to Atlantic Station to shop around a little and see a movie. We knew when we planned this trip we would need something to do inside with air condition since I'd be 6 months pregnant... and a movie was perfect. We went to see Fast Five and we both really liked it. We wanted to see a movie we'd both enjoy and this was the safest pick. Hopefully we can fit in at least one more movie before Austin arrives.
After the movie we checked into our hotel, The Ritz Carlton. SO nice. We discovered a deal that included parking and breakfast with a one-night stay. I'm very thankful my extremely money conscious husband made our weekend so special with a super nice hotel. However, it can be awkward to be waited on constantly if you're not used to it. More than once Terrell said he thought he was more of a Holiday Inn Express kind of guy. =) We had dinner at the Buckhead Diner and then went to Bruster's for ice cream. Saturday turned out perfect. And, we got to talk to our little man. He was so busy he didn't even really want to talk. It was sort of reassuring that he didn't miss us. I would have felt horrible if he was homesick.
Sunday morning we enjoyed our breakfast at the Atlanta Grill (the hotel restaurant) before checking out and going down to McDonough to shop and spend some of our giftcards. Shopping without Garrison is definitely easier than with him. We enjoyed our time together away and even "reflected" on our 6 years of married life. Who knew when we got married that 6 years later we'd be living in Covington with a 2 year old little boy and another one on the way? God has blessed us so much!
When we got to my parent's house about mid-afternoon yesterday, Garrison was napping. It gave us a chance to hear all about his fun-filled weekend. He got to have El Durango, go to the Georgia Aquarium, eat at Chick-Fil-A, raid Papa's Little Debbie truck, play outside, go to church, and most importantly, spend every waking moment with Papa, Granna, and AnAn. He had so much fun. Anna sent me pictures of him at the Aquarium and on the Little Debbie truck. I loved seeing what he was doing throughout the weekend. When Granna woke him up from his nap he wasn't even excited to see us. I didn't take it personal... although running into my arms would've been nice. Maybe next time. Once he was awake good he seemed happy to see us and thankful he got to go home with us. The weekend went great for everyone... now we have to decide if everyone will be up for it this time next year when 2 little boys plus a hyper mini schnauzer come with the deal. =)
Thanks again to everyone who made our weekend away possible! And Happy Anniversary to my very best friend, I love you!!!
Thanks again to everyone who made our weekend away possible! And Happy Anniversary to my very best friend, I love you!!!
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