Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday Favorites: Week of the Christmas Party Edition

We have had a fun week full of Christmas parties! Plus Terrell and I have been wrapping and planning and staying up too late trying to make sure we're ready for the big celebrations that are coming fast. We only have 6 days til Christmas! =)

Here are my favorites from our week...

*Our first party of the week was a Polar Express party during Storytime at our library. The kiddos wore pajamas, read the book, got a bell, made a craft, and ate lots of goodies. These two loved it. =) 

*Earlier in the week we also took advantage of the warmer temps and got outside. And the big boys have started a major serious, very big deal rock collection. Rocks are treasures for these 2.

*Between parties, Austin and I have worked all week on patterns with leftover wrapping paper. Little man has got it down. Even tough ones!

*The big boys had their choir Christmas program and party Wednesday night during their usual choir time. It was precious! I love watching my kiddos perform and sing. I think I smiled the whole entire time. Adorable!
This was Austin's first ever performance for an audience and he did great! He was pretty serious about his performance... and a little intimidated too I think, but he sang along with every song and watched his teacher just like he was supposed to. We were super proud.
My biggest is just a pro at performing. He has always liked to sing and always does a great job.

*On yesterday we had Garrison's Christmas party at school. Austin loved getting to go to this. I think he thinks he's kind of sort of in Kindergarten too. =)

*Layton had fun too and was entertained my Garrison's classmates the whole time. It was a fun little party.

*Speaking of Layton... he's officially our little puller upper. Naptime shenanigans have begun. =)
*Garrison has a special day at school today. Pajama Day, Polar Express Day, and it's a half day... plus a surprise visitor this morning! Christmastime is just super special.

We have a fun weekend planned full of Christmas lights and are so excited to kick off our Christmas Break fun tonight! Happy Friday!!

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