Friday, the little man and I got a special treat. AnAn came over and we all got to go out to lunch together. Anna was off all week so she was able to come over yesterday morning and we drove to Snellville to shop a little and have lunch with one of her best friends from college, Lauren, and her seven week old baby girl, Avery. We made a quick stop at Hobby Lobby and I found a couple more picture frames for Garrison's big boy room and the cutest lamp. I was so excited. We have struggled big time with finding a lamp. I loved the sports lamps at Pottery Barn, but Terrell Selph just would not pay over $100 for a lamp for our two year old's room. (I didn't like the price either, but was starting to think it was our only option because we just couldn't find anything else to match the "theme" of the room and be reasonably priced... no way I was going to pay a lot for something I wasn't completely satisfied with). All the lamps at Hobby Lobby were 50% off so I knew I found "the one" when I really liked it, plus it was on sale! Anna also found a cute lamp for her living room.
Garrison and AnAn before leaving for our outing

Anyway, after shopping at Hobby Lobby we made our way over to Chili's for lunch. We all had a great time and baby Avery was just perfect! Garrison has been talking about her off and on since yesterday. He calls her baby Avy. He's also still talking about Lauren too since they sort of go together. He even told Terrell about Lauren and baby Avy Friday afternoon when Terrell got home from work.
Anna and Avery

Garrison checking her out... he's still really fascinated with babies and has no signs of jealousy... yet.

These aren't the best pics of me (I feel like my face already looks fat) but I love how sweet Avery looks! Isn't she adorable?!

Somehow we managed plenty of pictures of Avery but none of her mama. Sorry Lauren! We had a great lunch and I definitely ate too much but loved getting to eat out for lunch during the week. It was a treat! It was also fun catching up and having some time away from the house with someone other than just the little man. =)
I'm perfectly fine with not having pictures of me :) Avery is much more photogenic! It was fun and hopefully it won't be so long before I see y'all again.
I just saw this comment... I've got to get better at checking for comments. I hope we get to see each other again soon too! And I hope things are going great with work and that Avery is still sleeping good at night. =)
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