Wednesday, April 4, 2018

A *School Day* in the Life of Us

It has been over a YEAR since I documented a day in the life of us. And recently I decided I needed to do one during this school year.... my first year back in the classroom full time, my first time ever working full time as a mom of 3, and my first time having a 3rd grader, Kindergartner, and Preschooler under my roof. 😊 

So I decided on last Tuesday as the day I would document. I knew I wouldn't be able to write about it and post it until later but since we were close to Spring Break I went for it. 

So here's a peek into a school day in the life of us....

I started last Tuesday at 5 AM just like normal. This was a day I got up right away instead of hitting snooze.... which is becoming a bad habit lately. March just wore me out!

I showered and was done with my make-up by about 5:45 (I was moving slow, ha) and sat in bed to do my quiet time... something I usually skip on snooze mornings. Sigh. I've been using Pressing Pause: 100 Quiet Moments for Moms to Meet with Jesus and my devotion on Tuesday morning was convicting. It really made me prayerfully reflect on my motives for blogging and "chronicling".  It's one I'll definitely go back and re-read from time to time.

After my quiet time I dry and fix my hair before waking up Terrell sometime around 6:05/6:10. Then I typically have some time to read blogs or write, but on this particular morning Terrell's mom was coming over to take the boys to breakfast before school and I wanted to be ready to leave right behind them. Which meant I needed to eat my breakfast, pack lunches, etc before waking up the kiddos. 

So I did all of that stuff and then went upstairs to wake up the boys around 6:25. I always wake Layton up first because he's typically the slowest to get out of bed. He's under there! Haha!

Then it's on to the big boy room and waking up 2 more. 😊

Thankfully everyone got up, dressed, and brushed their teeth pretty easily. I'm definitely blessed with kiddos that rarely give me any problems in the morning. #allthepraisehands

The boys came downstairs and got on their shoes and jackets, got their hair brushed, and checked scores from the night before. Haha! Then Terrell's mom arrived right at 7. My in-laws started taking the boys to breakfast about once a week this school year in an effort to help me get to work early one morning a week kid-free. I appreciate it so much and the boys love it!

After getting the boys out the door and gathering up everything I take to school each day (my school bag, lunch, water, jacket), I grabbed a pic with Terrell and rushed out to take advantage of getting to school early. (Terrell isn't dressed yet because on this day he had nearby meeting he didn't have to leave early for.)

I arrived at school around 7:25 and walked into my classroom. 

Then I got busy. I got out "morning work" for my students (I would LOVE to do this the day before but my room is the last on my hallway so it's vacuumed and cleaned last... so I've usually left for the day by that point.), got everything turned on (lights around my "tree", computer, Activ Board, etc), took down chairs, reviewed my lesson plans, made sure I had my books and materials ready, and worked a little on lesson plans for the week after the break.

At 7:50 students can come in classrooms and my day begins. We start with unpacking and morning work of some form (tracing letters and numbers, coloring, playing with small blocks, etc) and then around 8:10 I go over jobs for the day and we say the pledge and have our moment of silence before lining up for breakfast. In Pre-K we all go to breakfast each morning as a class. 

We were back in the room by 9:00 and began our instructional day. We have a calendar/circle time before doing some music and movement, then our large group literacy, morning recess, small groups, and phonological awareness before it's time for lunch. 

Our class lunch time is 11:24 and Austin is still in the cafeteria when my class goes in. So every day at lunch he gives me a hug and checks in on how my students are behaving. Hahaha! I love seeing him mid-day at school. Such a treat! I ate lunch with my students like always (Pre-K teachers are required to sit with their students during lunch and some of us eat during this time and some of us wait until nap time. I like to go ahead and eat so I can be extra productive during nap time.), and then tried to corral my wild students out of the cafeteria and back down to our room. Leaving the cafeteria isn't super pretty for Pre-K classes. Haha! 

Once we get back from lunch we have center time and then I read a story while my para lays out nap mats and blankets. Our class nap time (most days) is usually from 12:45-2:00 start to finish. So this is my time to WORK. I sit at my desk and work on lesson plans and entering observational notes, work samples, photos, etc of my students engaged in learning our Pre-K standards here in Georgia. (Another Georgia Pre-K requirement). I try to get a LOT accomplished during nap time and this particular Tuesday was no different. Yay for being productive!!

After nap time we pack up, eat a snack, sometimes make it outside for a 2nd recess and sometimes watch Super Why or Cat in the Hat before dismissal. Terrell's mom picks up the boys from school most Tuesdays and Thursdays so I had a few minutes to myself in my classroom after school before our Pre-K meeting. I am blessed that our school doesn't have meetings every week. They are actually few and far between and this teacher is thankful! Our meeting lasted until about 3:50 and I had some things to take care of in my classroom before I could head out. I made a note that I left the school at 4:08.

I arrived home to find that our fencing was being installed! We are so excited that our backyard project is super close to being complete!!

Terrell was home when I got home (he left work early because our tee ball team had the early game) and the boys were laid out watching the game show The Chase. Haha. They love a good game show. 

When we have an early game or practice we've decided it's easier to eat supper afterwards. So at 5, the boys all got changed. Garrison didn't have practice so he changed into something more comfortable for the game while Austin and Layton got in their uniforms. And daddy did some pre-game coaching before we loaded up for the field. 😊

My favorite baseball players with a mouth full of gum. Haha!

And a family selfie before we jumped in the car! Two members had their game faces on. 😊

The Red Trojans warming up and getting ready!

We managed to come away with the win by the skin of our teeth! Ha. It wasn't our best game but we played hard and had fun. And escaped with the win!

And snacks for these starving boys on the way home was possibly the highlight. 😊

We got home and the big boys showered while I gave Layton a bath and Terrell warmed up leftover pizza from the weekend before. Then we had a visitor come by to check out our new fence! Baby Girl can't wait to come swim when it's warm enough!!

Supper and bedtime were a whirlwind. We ate pizza and basically got everybody straight upstairs afterwards. It was late and we were SPENT. Game nights are exhausting! We laid out clothes for the next day, made sure teeth were brushed, spent a few minutes with the boys, and then said goodnight. 

Terrell and I came downstairs and while he cleaned up from supper, I got lunches packed for the following day. My system of making lunches on Sunday afternoons has SAVED my week nights. It's seriously the best. Packing lunches takes 2 minutes tops, while making lunches takes much longer. So I reeally appreciate having those lunches made!

Then I washed my face, brushed my teeth, got in my pjs, and finally relaxed. We skipped a show due to being worn out and the time being too close to my bedtime. So instead I got in bed and read some more of The Blue Bistro.... which turned out to be one of my favorite Elin Hilderbrand books! It was a fictional restaurant but I wanted to go eat there! Haha. I loved the book and really want a hard copy now so I can read it again in the future. 

Then I turned off my lamp at 10:07 and fell asleep quickly. Mama was tired. 

And that's a wrap. 😊

It was a typical school day and game night for us that I'm glad I was able to document. This school year has been a blessing, an adjustment, and a challenge, but God has been faithful and I'm thankful for the opportunity to remember and record our days. *Hopefully* my next "day in the life" post will be this summer.

***Happy, Happy Birthday Granna!! We love you!!

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