Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day of School 2012

The first day of school is over and we all survived! Yay!!! I think we're all exhausted and ready to pass out, but we all had a really good day and are loving our new home away from home.

Terrell and I both woke up bright and early this morning so we'd have plenty of time to get ourselves ready before waking the boys up and getting them fed, dressed, out the door, pictures made, loaded up in the car, and to school on time. Whew! Our morning was a little crazy, but we made it to school on time and daddy was even too early for work so he came to help us get all 50 of our bags and lunch boxes inside. (A perk to having daddy working 2 seconds away!)

Here's our back to school first day pics...

They both looked so handsome and cute this morning. And I know on the last day of school I'll look back at these pictures and be amazed at how much they've grown!

Our first day was a really big success. And I am so thankful!

(Although I can already tell it's going to be interesting having them both in my room every morning before school starts while I'm trying to get things done and they're making messes and getting into stuff...)

All the little things went well....

*Both boys went to bed early last night.
*Austin woke up right at 7:00 so I didn't have to wake him up... which I would've felt totally guilty about.
*Neither one of the boys cried when they went to their rooms. (I wasn't too worried about Garrison but had prepared myself for Austin to shed lots of tears.)
*Austin took an hour nap from 10:00-11:00! This was a total shock to me! He's used to a morning nap but has a hard time napping when there's lots going on. I was thrilled and so thankful!
*Garrison walked by my room and waved and told me hey and made my day.
*Not one of my 15 students cried or had any major issues with the first day.

I am SO grateful for the day we all had. It wasn't perfect but it was pretty close. God has been so gracious to us today and if I had more energy right now I could probably cry because I had prepared myself for things to go much worse... especially with Austin.

Hopefully the rest of the week will go just as well. Now I'm going to rest awhile before the boys get up!

(First day last year)


Melissa said...

Yay! So glad the first day went better than expected for everyone! I hope the rest of the week goes just as well. The boys looked adorable! I saw on FB a picture of you and Elliott- that's so neat you are his teacher this year! I can't believe you have a class of 15- that's a lot of 3 yo's! I hope ya'll have a great year! Oh yeah- I have been meaning to ask you- how is G doing at bedtime?

Meggie said...

Thanks Melissa!! I was so excited about having Elliott too! It should be a fun year. =)

Garrison is doing better. We still have to cut his naps short though... which kind of stinks but at least he's not staying up all night. The days he takes a nap (which is most days) we try to let him stay up a little later and he gets to play quietly after Austin goes to bed. But he's usually always asleep by 9:00 or even a little sooner... which is an improvement. The days he doesn't nap he goes to bed earlier and is alseep by 8:00 or 8:15. We've really cut down on him calling for us and the "I can't go to sleep" issues. But for now, we limit his naps to an hour and a half and make sure he's up by 3:15 no matter what time he fell asleep. But I'll take what I can get when it comes to naptime! =)