I knew I wanted a picture of both boys in their sweaters by the Christmas tree, but didn't get my hopes up too much. You never know if Garrison will be in the picture-taking mood, and even though Austin loves to smile when you're talking to him, you better make sure he's not tired or hungry or you can basicallly forget it. I'm SO thrilled with how they turned out! I don't think I could have asked for anything better. I definitely see these pictures framed and out in my house every Christmas for years and years. Yay.
Notice anybody missing? That would be my firstborn. Garrison did not want to participate. He was too busy playing. So instead of making a huge deal out of it and fighting him on it, we decided to just let him be. The idea behind the picture was more about Austin anyway, and it can take quite a while to get that many people together for a picture, so Garrison played and missed out on the picture taking fun. Until, several minutes later, he decided he regretted his original decision and requested to have his picture made with errybody. Granna started to gather everyone around again but at that point I was feeding Austin and the group was kind of scattered, so they got one of the "kids", the oldest one being 15.
After opening presents and spending the day hanging out, the whole fam headed out to our Christmas program at church. This year was something new and different that had never been done before. It was called "A Righte Merrie Christmasse". My dad and Terrell's mom are both in the choir so they were in the program, dressed in a full blown renaissance costume just like everyone else. It was really different, but really good. They went all out with everything... the costumes, music, "set", food, "actors", etc. I was very impressed and very entertained! Here's my dad ready to go perform. He grew a really thick beard to fit the part and then shaved it off as soon as he got home from the last performance Sunday night!
Saturday night we spent the night with Terrell's parents and slept all night long! Austin was super fussy going to bed (I think he was overwhelmed from the day's events plus staying in the nursery at church past his bedtime) but he slept all night long. Woohoo! Sunday morning before church we also got some pictures all dressed up.
Sunday afternoon Nana kept the boys for us for a little while so I could visit with my good friend Megan and pick up Christmas cards (to be posted on the blog at a later date~ thanks again Megan!) and take care of some Premier business, while Terrell and Pops were Santa's helpers for the afternoon.
It was a busy but fun weekend and we thoroughly enjoyed our Piper Family Christmas and all the other happenings of the weekend. Terrell and I actually felt like we didn't see Garrison much at all the whole weekend. Saturday he was playing with Meghan and Carter the entire day, then Saturday night he was in the nursery while we enjoyed the Christmas program. Then Nana put him to bed that night while I tended to Austin. Sunday morning Nana was a huge help with breakfast and getting him ready for church, then after church he hung out with Granna and Papa before lunch. After lunch was naptime. Then we were back over at my parents for a little while before heading home. Goodness. Terrell and I are moved to the bottom of the totem pole when we're in B'ville. Seriously. Even though we get left out sometimes I definitely think it's a good thing that he loves his grandparents (and great grandparents), AnAn, and cousins so so much. Now we're counting down for our next Christmas "event"!
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