We arrived in Barnesville mid-morning on Friday and dropped off Bailey and a few more gifts at my parents' house before heading over to the Selph's. Terrell's sister and her family were already there so the little man was excited and ready to play with his cousin. Austin was pretty excited too. He finally got to eat!
After that, it was time for presents! Garrison and Allison handed out gifts and we decided to let the kids go first. They were in love with all their goodies and spoiled by Nana and Pops. Garrison's big gift was the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Austin's big gift was a new playmat/baby gym. They were both super excited about their Christmas presents!
After the kids' gifts were opened, the grown-ups forgot all about opening gifts. Everyone got to work tearing into and assembling toys. It was funny. Literally every adult was trying to put a new toy together for a patiently awaiting child. Pops even got Austin's new playmat set up for him. I think Austin really likes it and that we'll get tons of use out of it! Garrison was immediately fascinated and obsessed with his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. He was so cute playing with all the little characters and exploring the ins and outs of the Clubhouse. It was a big deal. Big I tell you.
After the kids were all happily playing with new toys, we got ready for our Christmas dinner. Terrell's mom made us lasagna. It was delicious.... and I ate lots. Then I had Peanut Butter Pie for dessert. Soo yummy. I could have eaten half the pie. Even though meals with 4 little ones can be a tad on the crazy side, I loved us all sitting together at the dining room table enjoying our meal together. It made me think of my own childhood Christmas dinners and I'm thankful my babies get to have a similar experience.
After dinner and playing with toys a little longer, it was time for baths and pajamas. And, a Christmas Eve, Eve picture of my boys in their pjs. Love!
On a good note, the breakfast was wonderful. My parents and sister were there (how blessed are we that our families are good friends?!) along with lots of other family friends. Terrell's parents actually had their garage fixed up and decorated so we could all be together in the same room. It was fun catching up with everyone and enjoying a huge breakfast. Other than being super tired, Garrison made it through the breakfast without any major issues. Phew.
Before we all left, we got a picture of the Selph (and Reding) clan in front of the Christmas tree. I was very impressed with how it turned out!
We had a great 1st half of Christmas with family and were so thankful for Nana and Pops, our Christmas presents, help assembling toys, help with our boys, the Christmas Story being read, Christmas dinner, a sweet aunt getting up with her nephew in the middle of the night, Christmas Eve breakfast, time catching up, family pictures, and the adventure that was Austin's 1st half of his 1st Christmas!
*The details of the 2nd half of our Christmas coming soon...
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