Garrison had some play time at my parents' house Saturday morning before we met Terrell's parents for lunch. Then we went back to my parents' and got Garrison down for his nap while we had a chance to be lazy and relax and catch up. Garrison took a good nap and was ready to help Papa grill and see the fish and play outside for a little bit after his snack.
Garrison wearing his hat like Papa
He loves my parents' fish pond. As soon as we got there Saturday morning he asked Granna to feed the fish. I think this was one of the first times he'd seen the fish good and up close. He also loves throwing in rocks and just watching the fish swim around. In this pic he's counting the fish.
My dad grilled hamburgers and hotdogs for supper and we had some yummy sides to go with it, including Anna's famous buffalo chicken dip. It was SO good and so relaxing to just be at the house. Garrison knew we were celebrating AnAn's birthday and had seen her cake in the fridge... sooo, immediately after supper he started asking for a piece. "Garrsin want piece cake, mama. I want some cake. I want piece cake, mama. I want piece cake right now!" I literally think we heard that he wanted cake about 20 times. I'd say he definitely has a sweet tooth. Finally, the cake was brought out and the candles lit, and he got to sit in AnAn's lap. It just made his night.
I'm pretty sure this is when we were singing "Happy Birthday"
Licking the icing off the candles.
So... here comes the low point of the night.... Garrison was not interested in taking a bath and was already pretty tired, and that combination led to a major meltdown/tantrum/pitching of fit. Oh dear. He was crying and screaming throughout his bath and didn't even want Granna or AnAn to come in and make him feel better. It took me and Terrell both to give him a bath and wash his hair (he's not a fan of having his hair washed when he's in a good mood but he had gotten so sweaty, I didn't have a choice). It really started wearing on me and I thought I might have to bang my head against the wall. He was just out of control upset and nothing we could say or do was going to change that. Once he finally calmed down and got out of the tub, something else set him off and it started all over again. Finally, and I do mean finally, he was over it and ready to move on to present time with AnAn. And mama's nerves were shot. I think I relaxed as soon as he went out to the living room to see Granna and told her, "Garrsin cry and cry and cry and cry" and we all laughed and Granna told him she knew he cried and cried because she definitely heard him!
After all that drama it was time for presents and fun was had by all! Whew! Garrison took AnAn her presents and then ripped open the envelopes and pulled out her cards and then opened up her presents and handed her her gifts. I would say that maybe one day everyone will be able to open their own presents and cards again but by the time Garrison is ready to give it up, Austin will want to.
One of her gifts from my parents that Garrison really liked
Her gift from us... a monogrammed bag that said "AnAn". We thought it was special. Hope she does too. =)
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