Ready for the beach on Tuesday, fake smile and all
Playing in the sand with his shades on
We finally braved the freezing cold ocean water
"I want daddy lift me up high in the sky" (You have to click on this picture to see the sheer joy on little man's face)
Wednesday and Thursday we were chased in early because of storms. Literally barely making it in before the bottom fell out. Definite bummer. I mean one afternoon looked like a hurricane. Our tent on the beach fell over and started to blow away... as Terrell and my dad sprinted out to save it. Crazy. The only good thing about the storms were that they didn't start until lunch time, they only interfered with 2 days, and naptime was never an issue.
In this picture it had started raining (not storming yet) and AnAn was the only one willing to swim in the rain with the little man.

Wrapped up in his beach towel from Granna. Oh how I love Pottery Barn. Too bad I can't afford all the cuteness I want from that store!

Wednesday night we went out to the New Smyrna Steakhouse for supper and made some family pictures afterwards.
Wrapped up in his beach towel from Granna. Oh how I love Pottery Barn. Too bad I can't afford all the cuteness I want from that store!
Wednesday night we went out to the New Smyrna Steakhouse for supper and made some family pictures afterwards.
Garrison and AnAn

The guys

The 4 of us

Group shot... little man refused to smile for the nice stranger. haha

Whenever we had time on our hands while it was raining or we were waiting for everyone to get ready, etc we played the Wii. Garrison loved to pretend he was playing. I think he probably thought he really was playing. Here's an action shot.

He also enjoyed sitting on the balcony with Papa and watching the waves and listening to the ocean.

He loved throwing his fish and ball beach toys to daddy and Papa

Mama and Garrison enjoyed collecting seashells together

Playing in the ocean with daddy

He's holding wet sand in his hand or as he called it "mud". It became his favorite thing.

Family pic

Me and my little man

Daddy and Garrison

Friday was beautiful and we made the most of our last day. We stayed out all day long with just a quick break inside for lunch before going back out. Garrison's favorite thing to do Friday was play in a little water hole that he called a pond. It seriously occupied him all day long. We stayed with him at the pond for like half the day and I think Papa stayed with him the other half. He loved sitting in it, jumping in it, adding sand to it, and collecting water from the ocean to pour into it. It was like his own mini-pool.

The view from our condo balcony

Running back and forth from his "pond"

Friday at the beach was wonderful. It probably made the whole vacation. We loved every second.... until we came inside and the little man had a huge meltdown from exhaustion. He obviously didn't get a nap on Friday and he literally played all day on the beach. We could only think of one other day he might have played harder, longer. Bless his heart. He finally took a bath and settled down and we made our annual beach pictures (just on the balcony this year instead of risking another meltdown) and ordered take-out from Outback.

Saturday morning we woke up and packed and got ready to get on the road and have breakfast together at Cracker Barrel in Daytona. The little man was hungry before 8:00, so he had breakfast on the balcony with Granna.

The guys
The 4 of us
Group shot... little man refused to smile for the nice stranger. haha
Whenever we had time on our hands while it was raining or we were waiting for everyone to get ready, etc we played the Wii. Garrison loved to pretend he was playing. I think he probably thought he really was playing. Here's an action shot.
He also enjoyed sitting on the balcony with Papa and watching the waves and listening to the ocean.
He loved throwing his fish and ball beach toys to daddy and Papa
Mama and Garrison enjoyed collecting seashells together
Playing in the ocean with daddy
He's holding wet sand in his hand or as he called it "mud". It became his favorite thing.
Family pic
Me and my little man
Daddy and Garrison
Friday was beautiful and we made the most of our last day. We stayed out all day long with just a quick break inside for lunch before going back out. Garrison's favorite thing to do Friday was play in a little water hole that he called a pond. It seriously occupied him all day long. We stayed with him at the pond for like half the day and I think Papa stayed with him the other half. He loved sitting in it, jumping in it, adding sand to it, and collecting water from the ocean to pour into it. It was like his own mini-pool.
The view from our condo balcony
Running back and forth from his "pond"
Friday at the beach was wonderful. It probably made the whole vacation. We loved every second.... until we came inside and the little man had a huge meltdown from exhaustion. He obviously didn't get a nap on Friday and he literally played all day on the beach. We could only think of one other day he might have played harder, longer. Bless his heart. He finally took a bath and settled down and we made our annual beach pictures (just on the balcony this year instead of risking another meltdown) and ordered take-out from Outback.
Saturday morning we woke up and packed and got ready to get on the road and have breakfast together at Cracker Barrel in Daytona. The little man was hungry before 8:00, so he had breakfast on the balcony with Granna.
Since this blog is our journal and family scrapbook, for my own memory I just had to include the highlights of Garrison's vacation this year:
*Playing in the sand
*Riding and pushing buttons in the e-vader (elevator)
*Helping take the dogs out (another opportunity to ride the e-vader)
*Playing with Papa every morning
*Riding with AnAn in the car
*Granna putting him to bed every night once he realized he could request her and she'd do it every time
*Hanging on tight to whoever held him in the cold ocean (we're looking forward to going back to the Gulf Coast next year!)
*Seeing Goofy in person
*Jumping to daddy in the pool
*Spending a whole week at the beach with his family
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