For supper we all went down to Macon and ate at the Wild Wing Cafe and then shopped around a little before heading back to my parent's house. Garrison enjoyed the trip to Macon and especially enjoyed his meal at Wild Wing. We keep waiting for that appetite to decrease, but no sign of it yet. He's going to be really expensive to feed when he's older if he keeps up this pace.
Sunday morning we woke up and went to church and then my mom fixed a huge meal for us to have for lunch. Garrison enjoyed Granna's home cooking like the rest of us and even after eating too much for lunch we still had leftover cake and ice cream from the night before and a pie for dessert. Since Garrison didn't get to enjoy the sweets on Saturday night, we gave him cake and ice cream for dessert after lunch. He doesn't get sweets often, so he was loving his dessert.
In the picture below Garrison is giving AnAn a kiss. Anna taught him how to give kisses over the weekend and we think he's getting the hang of it.
Sharing his cake and ice cream
Helping AnAn eat her cake and ice cream....
Sunday afternoon the guys went and played golf again while we stayed home and let Garrison take a nap. He took really good naps both days and so did we. It's rare that I get to nap, so I enjoyed having one two days in a row. Anna had to leave mid-afternoon because she was meeting friends to celebrate her birthday with them. Whenever we make plans to celebrate our birthdays, usually the weekend before or after our actual birthday, we always call it our "birthday weekend" because we like to celebrate throughout the weekend. I hope Anna had a great birthday weekend and that she enjoys her gifts... remember you have 2 more coming! Daddy and Terrell brought Wendy's home for supper after golfing and then we headed back to Covington after a really fun birthday weekend for Anna.
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