Friday night my mom kept Garrison so that my dad, Terrell, and I could go to the Trojans football game. I hadn't been to a Trojans game or any other high school football game for that matter since Halloween of 2008 when they played the last game ever at Summer's Field. I loved going to the games back in high school and even my first couple of years in college. So I saw this as an opportunity to go and see our new stadium plus enjoy the game, because I really do love high school football. I was nervous about letting my mom keep the little man because I was afraid he would have a hard time going to sleep and it would be a major ordeal. Thankfully he did great for her and I was able to enjoy the game without worrying. We had a lot of fun and the Trojans won! The new stadium is sooo nice. The entire facility is super nice. Being at the game brought back memories for me, but since my memories were at Summer's Field it also made me sort of think ahead to the future... one day I'll be taking my own kids to games or even watching them play or cheer. Wow, I didn't want to think that far ahead.
After a crazy night (that included the little man being up from 3:30 to 4:30 am talking and playing) we had breakfast and went into town. I took the picture below after we had been there awhile.
Garrison and AnAn hanging out and cooling off.
When Papa arrived with the funnel cake, the little man had to sample. And, to no surprise to anyone, he loved it. So it looks like a taste of funnel cake will be a new tradition each year for Garrison Cade.
After enjoying the funnel cake and the shade, Granna took Garrison to our shady spot where we would watch the parade (and change a poopy diaper) while me and Anna went back to get Garrison a Clifford dog Buggy Days toy. Once we got back to wait for the parade we had large drinks with ice that Garrison really enjoyed. After drinking lots of water and Sprite, he ate Past Time ice while he people watched until the parade started.
Once we left Nana and Pops', we went back to my parent's house for a cookout. My grandparents were able to come and our family friends (i.e, one of Anna's best friends) Sandra and Stewart came too. Garrison had a bit of a meltdown after supper and that's when lots of guilt overtook me. I could have cried. I probably would have if we'd been at home. My poor baby was just so worn out and didn't feel good and I think he was a little overwhelmed from everything we did that day that he just couldn't take it anymore. And of course I felt like it was all my fault. What was I thinking trying to do so much in one day and subjecting my little man to it all? How could I let this happen? This is all my fault. (Those were just some of the thoughts going through my mind as I almost have a meltdown with Garrison.) Things settled down once he had his bath and went to bed and I eventually started to get over it, but I would definitely say that lessons were learned during Garrison's 2nd Buggy Days. We decided we need to go early next year and walk through and look and shop, but then come home to the air condition and just relax and have a little down time. Then, we can go back for the parade. The parade is what he'll enjoy the most anyway as he gets older. And after the parade, a nap needs to be top priority.
Okay, so back to our Saturday evening. We watched college football and the Braves the rest of the night before going to bed. Garrison was extremely congested and not breathing well, so even though he slept, we didn't so much. He sounded terrible and I could hear every sound he made and was a little too tense to sleep soundly. When we woke up Sunday morning we knew he couldn't go to church, and honestly we felt pretty rough and weren't really up for it either. It was really disappointing to not be able to go because we love going when we're in town and are always so spiritually refreshed after the worship service. We really can't wait til we'll be able to go every Sunday. But this time, we were just really really tired from not sleeping much 2 nights in a row. My mom actually kept Garrison Sunday morning so we could go back to sleep. Then we got lunch from town and brought it home before getting the little man settled for a nap. Thank goodness he took a good nap Sunday afternoon. He definitely needed it. We got back to Covington in time for supper and were all worn out. It was definitely an extra busy but very fun weekend. Yay for more good times with family and the tradition of Buggy Days. =)
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