Every year for a while now I've decided to come up with a word, theme, or specific goals for our year. And every year it's made me a little more intentional and helped hold me accountable. Especially during the first half of the year! ☺ And off and on throughout the 2nd half too. I would even say that most years, it's made a real, tangible difference.
But this year, I've been sort of stumped. Honestly I haven't had many ideas for the year other than to get through it. Which sounds really blah.... definitely not inspiring or productive or helpful. But becoming a working mom has been a doozy!! So it's really tempting to just have an attitude of "get through it" as I approach the 2nd half of this school year and the beginning of a brand new school year later in 2018. I love my job, I'm sooo thankful God provided my very job just for me, and He has really made it way more of a smooth transition for us than I ever imagined, but mama is still adjusting, still busier than I've ever been in my life, and still swimming in more responsibilities than ever before.
So. Survival mode is real and quite the temptation. (Especially during our sports seasons.) But then I dwelt on that a minute, or a few days, and decided I'm not okay with just surviving the year and "getting through it". I mean, I know I'm tired. And a tad overwhelmed with starting this brand new year in a brand new, life changing role. I'm possibly also just a little more laid back. (That's a crazy thought considering I'm typically the opposite.) And I know all of the above says don't sweat the small stuff, don't put any extra pressure on yourself, just get through it. And some days, that's completely okay. Some weeks, that's okay. I'm a big believer in reverting to survival mode when needed.
But as I kept thinking over things and wondering, pondering, and praying I just felt like while part of me just wants to get through the year and fully adjust to working full time, part of me also isn't satisfied with that...which led me to "more and less".
This year I really want to do more of some things and less of others. More good, less of the not so good. Above all I want to enjoy our year. Savor it. Have fun. Strive to be a better follower of Jesus, a better wife and mom, a better teacher. For me, the specifics of being able to enjoy and savor our year, have fun, and be better in my different roles comes down to more and less of certain things, attitudes, habits, etc.
So this is the list I've come up with. My reminders, my goals, my ways to improve. My more and less.
*Going to bed early. During the week I wake up at 5:00 and really can't sleep much later than that and still have time to get myself ready, do my quiet time, read blogs or write, and have those few minutes to myself before waking up my crew around 6:25. Since sleeping later isn't an option I really want to prioritize an earlier bedtime. My bedtime is typically 10:00-10:30, but closer to 10:30. I want to make it pre-10:00. 9:45ish. Which is going to be TOUGH come sports season. But I need more sleep. I don't like feeling worn out all the time and this seems like the most logical thing to help.
*Cleaning during the week. Since going back to work my housework/house cleanliness has taken a hit. And it's been driving me crazy ever since! Ahhhhhh!! I've always been too busy after getting home, too worn out after getting home, or just not home enough to be able to do much during the week. So it all gets saved for the weekend. And unless I'm about to host something, I'd rather not spend tons of time during the weekend cleaning. So this year I'm going to *try* to shoot for doing a little more during the week. Especially during the off season, which we are currently enjoying, and especially now that I'm not bringing home as much work from school. I already vacuum quite a bit, at least in our great room, but I want to start tackling the clutter more during the week, dusting a room here and there, and maybe even cleaning a bathroom. Anything to lessen the weekend chores. ☺
*Praying and time with the Lord. Working full time has most definitely effected my prayer life some and the "quality" of my quiet times. I'm just more tired, more busy, and more rushed. Those are all excuses but reality nonetheless. I want to be intentional about putting God first, starting my day with Him, having my focus on Him, and praying without ceasing.
*Physical Activity. People always laugh when they hear me say this, but I am totally out of shape. For real. Going up the steps at my house while carrying the laundry basket is a work out. This should not be! It's not realistic for me to commit to working out, doing videos, joining a gym, or anything like that. And during this season of busyness I have no desire for those things. So it just boils down to being more active. Physically active. Going on walks, SWIMMING (wooohooo for our own swimming pool!!!), playing with my boys, walking during sports practices, doing some planks, and more swimming. ☺
*Blogging. I want to continue. It's such a special scrapbook for our family and I love to write, journal, and record our memories here. So I'm going to commit to continue blogging. It may not be as often as I would like but I want to keep it up for as long as a I can.
*Time on my phone. This is a popular one that's waaaay easier said than done I know. But if you don't try or set some goals or get intentional about it, nothing will happen/change/improve. I want to put it away in the evenings. Which I've been doing for a couple of years now somewhat successfully. But I need to literally put it away, out of sight-out of mind. So from supper until the boys' go to bed I'm going to try to have it in a totally different room. I also want to put it away in the car. I have a bad habit of scrolling through fb or blogs when I'm a passenger and then Terrell is basically left all alone because I'm so absent minded. So I need to work on that. Less screen time for mama and holding myself to the same standard I hold my kiddos.
*Sweets. I have a serious sweet tooth that needs to be tamed. Chocolate is my weakness. I love cookies. Or doughnuts. Or cake. Or anything sweet. #eeeesh So it's become a habit for me to throw some chocolate in my lunchbox every day. And maybe have a little something after we finish supper every night. (Which I blame on the boys who request "dessert" after every single lunch and supper. And since we started this, I guess I blame myself. But in my defense it isn't much and I wasn't deprived of sweets as a child so I'm not going to deprive my kids. Which means the true blame here is my parents. HA!) So basically I just want to stop the bad habit of having something sweet after meals. If I can break that particular habit I think I'll be able to have a sweet snack every now and then without guilt or thinking I have no self control and am powerless to stop the chocolate. ☺
*Being overwhelmed. My friends and family are aware that I'm easily overwhelmed and they do a great job of talking me down and helping me break things up and not have an anxiety attack or freak out over all that's on my plate. (In full disclosure, I started taking anxiety meds last year per the recommendation of my closest friends... one who is an NP and one who always tells me the cold hard truth, haha.... and it has been life changing and sooo helpful. I'd really hate to see how I'd be handling all of my responsibilities and such without them (the friends and the pills ☺). However, I'm still easily overwhelmed. Not to the point of freaking out and losing it, but to the point of being flustered and wondering how, when, and HOW can I get it done. I've also been known to let my kids overwhelm me when they're running wild and not listening and Terrell isn't home to reign them in or take them off my hands for a minute. Sooo, it's important to me to try to stay calm during those times, pray, take some deep breaths, make a list of what has to be done immediately and a list of what has to be done later, and to know this too shall pass. Apparently I can be dramatic from time to time. Sigh. I'm hoping staying ahead a little at school (which is happening for the first time this school year now! THANK YOU CHRISTMAS BREAK!!), asking for help when I feel a little like I'm drowning, and just generally trying to calm down during the high-pressure, high-stress times. Pray for me.
More of the good, less of the not so good. That's my theme and goal for this year. I know God is faithful and I'm so thankful I can trust in Him and His plans. Praying 2018 is full of His goodness!!
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