On Friday I received my other gifts from Terrell and Garrison and was completely surprised. We met Terrell at Stevi B's for supper since he had to work a little late so we were in separate cars... and he got home much later than us from eating. I even called to check on him when he was more than a few minutes later than us. Finally he walks in as I'm getting the little man ready for his bath and hands me a card. It was SO sweet and from all 3 of my boys. Then he brought in not one, but two bouquets of flowers. One from Garrison and one from him. They were gorgeous and I was very surprised! I actually wasn't expecting anything because Terrell already got me my Mother's Day gift back in March. He had the monthly pictures we made of Garrison on his birthday for his first year, framed. It is beautiful and I love to look at it. It's so special to me, I can't wait to start one for Austin.
Garrison seemed fine Friday night until right before bedtime. He felt just a little warm and I suspected he had a low grade fever but he went to bed fine and seemed okay when I left his room. About 30 minutes later he started crying and Terrell went in to sit with him and check on him. A little later they were out of his room and Garrison was burning up. He had a temperature of almost 104. We immediately gave him medicine and something cold to drink and I put a cool washcloth on his forehead. He was pitiful and I was scared. He has never had a temperature that high and it was scary trying to get him to go to sleep with a high fever. Finally around 9:45 he went to sleep and actually slept all night. We both checked on him a couple of times before we went to bed and the fever had broken. Thankfully he seemed a little better Saturday morning but we were still sort of nervous about our full weekend of activities.
We decided to stick with the plan for the day but to proceed with caution. He did really well on the ride down to Barnesville but you could tell he just wasn't himself. He was excited to see everyone but sort of mellow and clingy. We spent the day Saturday with Terrell's family and all had lunch together at The Barnstormer's Grill in Williamson. The airplanes were a huge hit for Garrison and Allison. They loved watching them take off and land and I think Garrison liked looking at all of the parked ones. Lunch was interesting for us because Garrison wasn't feeling good and didn't have an appetite... but we all made it through okay. Unfortunately, on the way home from the restaurant, his fever came back. He felt really warm but he had chill bumps all over and kept saying, "cold mama, cold mama". I felt so sorry for him. Once we were back at the Selph's we got him ready for an afternoon nap, and bless his heart he fell apart and just had a meltdown. He cried and cried and nothing made him better. He wanted Nana to be in the room with him so when he finally settled down she read him books and sang songs and got him down for his nap. He seemed better after his nap and that's when we gave Nana her cards and gifts.
After leaving the Selph's we got ready to go to my grandparents' house for supper. By this point Garrison didn't have a fever but he wasn't feeling good at all. He sat with Terrell almost the whole time we waited to eat and once we fed him he didn't eat very much. The little man loves to eat, so we knew he was definitely sick if he couldn't finish his bread or banana. We basically had to eat and leave so we could get him back to my parents' house and in the bed.
We finally managed to get him bathed and in bed, and then he kept waking up crying. The first time I had to go in and check on him it was like he was still asleep. He never acknowledged that I was in the room and he stayed on his pillow crying away. That was the start of our rough night. At 1:45 I ended up just going and getting in the bed with him... which is a big no no to me. I just didn't know what else to do. He was waking up crying like every 30 minutes and just feeling terrible. He tossed and turned all night but seemed to do better knowing I was there with him. Needless to say, we decided it probably wouldn't be a good idea for him to go to church on Sunday morning. We actually met my mom at church and put Garrison in the car with her so she could bring him home and we could be there for our service. I was sad that Garrison couldn't go with me on Mother's Day but grateful that he seemed to be feeling a little better and that Terrell and I could still make it. Our Mother's Day services are always special to me and I was really thankful that Granna didn't mind skipping Sunday School to be with the little man.
My sweet baby boy who first made me a mama
After church we met the extended family at Buckner's for our Mother's Day lunch. There is always a long line but I have to say the wait is worth it. Garrison was surprisingly clingy to Terrell while we waited in line. He stood right beside daddy or was held by daddy the whole time. And he drank a lot of sweet tea.
that's when he got in trouble and had to be consoled by Granna.
Garrison took a good, long nap Sunday afternoon and I even had one myself. It was quite refreshing after the rough night I had!
Mother's Day turned out great, especially since my little man seemed all better after his nap (and so far the fever hasn't been back!). I am so, so thankful to be a mama and this year was even more special because I felt Austin moving around and was able to celebrate being his mama and look forward to meeting my 2nd baby boy. I am also grateful that we were able to spend Mother's Day with both of our moms. They are a huge blessing to our families and we appreciate them so much. If there were anyone else who might just love Garrison as much as we do, it's got to be my mom and mother-in-law. I'm also super thankful for my mom, espcially on Mother's Day. Now that I have my own baby, I realize that through her example, she's who taught me how to be a mom. When I think back at the fact that she had 2 babies 21 months apart and worked full-time and cooked supper every night and took care of our home, plus did a million other things for us.... wow. Her plate was full, and yet she made it seem easy and provided us with so many fun, happy memories. I'm just hoping that I can provide for my children like she provided for us. Happy Mother's Day!!
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