It's really easy to forget what Memorial Day is all about. When I see Memorial Day on the calendar I think about a long weekend, the end of the school year, and the start of summer. But Memorial Day is so much more than that. It's a day we honor and remember those who have served and those who are serving our country so we can continue to be free. I'm very thankful for all the men and women who have sacrificed for my freedom and I was reminded of the true meaning of the holiday several times throughout the weekend. I'm glad that I was reminded because it is because of those who have served and are serving that I was able to enjoy such a wonderful weekend with my family. Here are some of the details of everything that happened during our long weekend...
Memorial Day weekend was a lot of fun for our family! It's always soo nice when Terrell has a bank holiday and we get to have a long weekend together as a family. Our weekend started on Friday as soon as Terrell got home from work. My parents came over around 5:00 to keep Garrison and spend the night because Terrell and I had plans to go to the Braves games on Friday night and a day of shopping on Saturday. (This counted as our date night for the month of May, plus an anniversary date since we're leaving for vacation on our actual anniversary).
The Braves game was lots of fun... but we got wet! As soon as we got inside the stadium and made our way to The Chop House to eat supper, it started pouring down raining. We ended up having to wait a pretty good while to be seated, but we didn't care since we were dry while we waited. We really enjoyed our dinner at The Chop House, and I'd like to make that a regular tradition. We both agreed it's the best stadium food we've ever had. Anyway, after the rain delay, we made our way to our seats (first row in left-center field) and watched the game under our umbrella just about the entire time. A light rain was falling for most of the night. Finally with 1 out in the 9th, it started pouring down again and they went into another rain delay. We decided to head home at that point and sloshed our way to the car and finished listening to the game on the radio. Thank goodness Granna and Papa were spending the night because it was a really, really late night for us.
Saturday morning we woke up and got to see our little man and spend some time with him before going out shopping for the day. Terrell got us all McDonald's for breakfast and then we all prepared to head out. Terrell and I left for Macon and my parents left for Barnesville with Garrison. We had a great time shopping. I don't think either one of us remembered what it was like to go shopping without a stroller and diapers and a little man to entertain. We stayed in stores trying on clothes and picking out gifts for as long as we wanted. It was really nice. Once we got back to my parent's house late Saturday afternoon, we all went to Southern Pit in Griffin for supper. Southern Pit is one of Terrell's all time favorite places to eat. We had a good time and enjoyed all the food and were especially glad to see Garrison.
Sunday morning we went to church and enjoyed a great Memorial Day service. It's always so refreshing to be back at our home church. And, Garrison went into a new Sunday School class... he's now in the 1 year old room. He seems like such a big boy being in a new room away from the babies. Sunday for lunch we went to Maxi's and ate lots of good food before going home to my parent's and getting Garrison ready for his nap. He took a nice, long 2 hour nap and after this weekend we are feeling pretty encouraged about his sleeping habits/potential for the beach. He had a really good night on Saturday and took long naps on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. After his nap my Nanny came over to see Garrison and spend some time with him, and a couple of hours later, my Granny and PawPaw stopped by. We ended up ordering pizza and all eating together. We were really thankful that Garrison's great-grandparents had an opportunity to spend time with him this weekend.
Monday morning we slept in a little later than usual and then got ready for Terrell's parents to come over for a cook-out. Garrison took his usual morning nap and then Nana and Pops came over just a little after he woke up. We grilled out cheeseburgers and had salad and corn on the cob and chips and dip... it was so good and lots of fun. They even brought an ice cream cake for dessert to top it all off. They had fun playing with Garrison and we loved getting to grill out on Memorial Day at our house. It was a really fun weekend and we loved spending the start of the weekend together, just the two of us, and the end of the weekend with lots of family.
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